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Manual start/stop

If you are using individual commands, the components must be started in a specific order:
  1. The Event Logging Server must be started before the JMS Receiver or Direct Collector.

  2. The Direct Collector must be started before the REST Service.

  3. The REST Sender and/or JMS Sender must be started before the Event Logging Agent (depends on Event Logging Agent configuration).

  4. The Event Logging Agent must be started before the Log|OSGi|SAM|Locator Listeners.

There are commands for starting/stopping individual Event Logging components. So, to start each Event Logging component individually in the required order:
  1. Start the Talend Runtime Container.

  2. Make sure the DataSource to be used by the Event Logging Server is started.

  3. Enter the following commands at the console prompt:

    1. tesb:start-el-server - starts the Event Logging Server.

    2. tesb:start-el-jmsreceiver - starts the JMS Receiver.

    3. tesb:start-el-restservice - starts the REST Service and the Direct Receiver.

    4. tesb:start-el-restsender - starts the REST Sender.

    5. tesb:start-el-jmssender - starts the JMS Sender.

    6. tesb:start-el-agent - starts the Event Logging Agent.

    7. tesb:start-el-loglistener - starts the Log Listener.

    8. tesb:start-el-osgilistener - starts the OSGi Listener.

    9. tesb:start-el-samlistener - starts the SAM Listener.

    10. tesb:start-el-locatorlistener for the Locator Listener

    11. tesb:start-el-dlq - starts the Robust event processing feature.

For each tesb:start-el-* command, there is a corresponding tesb:stop-el-* command. So, to stop the components, execute the tesb:stop-el-* commands in the reverse order.

Information noteWarning: It is strongly recommended not to stop the Event Logging Agent when any of the listeners are still running.

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