Event Data - Structure
The event structure is the primary data structure used by all components of the Event Logging feature and consists of the following attributes. The table also shows how the event structure is represented in the Apache Camel Exchange structure (header and body attributes).
Attribute Name | Type | Camel Exchange Mapping | Description |
eventUUID | String | header.eventuuid | Unique ID associated with every event. |
category | String | header.category |
Each event can be assigned to a particular category. Category will help to group and organize events which can be further searched and filtered. default, audit and ping are reserved categories and cannot be used as category names. Categories that can be used to begin with might be system, osgi, service, route, bam, sam and security. But the user can easily define and use additional categories. New category names should comply the following: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and ‘_' characters are supported, and only maximum 32 characters are allowed. |
eventtype | String | header.eventtype |
Attribute to identify the listener from which this event was captured. Pax listener for LOG Event, OSGI Listener for OSGI Event, and SAML Listener for SAM Event. |
logmessage | String | body | The log message associated with this event. |
severity | String | header.severity | Describes the severity of the event. For example, the log4j log levels. |
logsource | Map | header.source |
The logsource is collection of data which identifies the source of the generated event. For example :
agenttimestamp | Date | header.agenttimestamp |
The Timestamp applied on the event when the Event Logging Agent receives it. The timestamp is the date and time of the local machine, converted to UTC date / time with milliseconds and the local timezone of the machine. For example: 2013-07-23T08:45:30.453Z |
servertimestamp | Date | header.servertimestamp | The Timestamp applied on the event when the Event Logging Collector Service receives it. The timestamp is the date and time of the server machine, converted to UTC date / time with milliseconds and the timezone of the server. For example: 2013-07-23T08:45:30.453Z |
logtimestamp | Date | header.logtimestamp | The Timestamp of the log when it was created. The format of the timestamp depends completely on the logging framework. It will not be converted or transformed by the agent. If no timestamp exists in the log, this attribute will be empty. |
audit | boolean | header.audit | A flag to indicate if the event needs to be audited. The default value of this attribute is false. |
agentid | String | header.agendid | The local agent ID which handled this event. Every agent should have a unique agent ID. |
auditsequenceno | long | header.auditsequenceno | The sequence number is continuously incrementing by +1 on the agent for each new Audit Event, and only for Audit events. This prevents audit events from being repeated later in the EventLogging Database. |
signedlogmessage | String | header.signedlogmessage | The log message in XML format including the signature information. |
correlationid | String | header.correlationid | An ID used to correlate different events: the Business Correlation ID. In case of SAM Event, the technical FlowID will be stored as eventlog_custominfo key / value. |
subject | String | header.subject | The User which created this event. |
custominfo | Map | header.custominfo | It is a collection of key / value pairs. This attribute can be
used to propagate custom information. For