Wrap deployer
The wrap deployer allows you to hot deploy non-OSGi jar files ("classical" jar files) from the deploy folder. It's a standard deployer (you don't need to install additional Karaf features):
karaf@trun()> la|grep -i wrap
35 | Active | 24 | 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT | Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Wrap Non OSGi Jar
92 | Active | 5 | 2.4.1 | OPS4J Pax Url - wrap:
Karaf wrap deployer looks for jar files in the deploy folder. The jar files is considered as non-OSGi if the MANIFEST doesn't contain the Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version attributes, or if there is no MANIFEST at all. The non-OSGi jar file is transformed into an OSGi bundle. The deployer tries to populate the Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version extracted from the jar file path. For example, if you simply copy commons-lang-2.3.jar (which is not an OSGi bundle) into the deploy folder, you will see:
karaf@trun> la|grep -i commons-lang [ 41] [Active ] [ ] [ 60] commons-lang (2.3)
If you take a look on the commons-lang headers, you can see that the bundle exports all packages with optional resolution and that Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version have been populated:
karaf@trun> bundle:headers 41 commons-lang (41) ----------------- Specification-Title = Commons Lang Tool = Bnd-0.0.357 Specification-Version = 2.3 Specification-Vendor = Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Version = 2.3 Generated-By-Ops4j-Pax-From = wrap:file:/home/onofreje/workspace/karaf/ assembly/target/apache-karaf-2.99.99-SNAPSHOT/deploy/commons-lang-2.3 .jar$ Bundle-SymbolicName=commons-lang&Bundle-Version=2.3 Implementation-Vendor-Id = org.apache Created-By = 1.6.0_21 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Implementation-Title = Commons Lang Manifest-Version = 1.0 Bnd-LastModified = 1297248243231 X-Compile-Target-JDK = 1.1 Originally-Created-By = 1.3.1_09-85 ("Apple Computer, Inc.") Ant-Version = Apache Ant 1.6.5 Package = org.apache.commons.lang X-Compile-Source-JDK = 1.3 Extension-Name = commons-lang Implementation-Vendor = Apache Software Foundation Bundle-Name = commons-lang Bundle-SymbolicName = commons-lang Bundle-Version = 2.3 Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2 Import-Package = org.apache.commons.lang;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.builder;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.enum;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.enums;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.exception;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.math;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.mutable;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.text;resolution:=optional, org.apache.commons.lang.time;resolution:=optional Export-Package = org.apache.commons.lang;uses:="org.apache.commons.lang.builder, org.apache.commons.lang.math,org.apache.commons.lang.exception", org.apache.commons.lang.builder; uses:="org.apache.commons.lang.math,org.apache.commons.lang", org.apache.commons.lang.enum;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.enums;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.exception;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.math;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.mutable;uses:="org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.math", org.apache.commons.lang.text;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang, org.apache.commons.lang.time;uses:=org.apache.commons.lang
You may set the manifest headers by specifying them as URL parameters. The token '$' is used to separate the hierarchy path and query parts of the URL, with standard URL syntax for query parameters of key=value pairs joined by '&'. On the command line you must use single quotes around the URL to prevent the shell from attempting variable expansion, and if present, you must escape exclamation marks with a backslash.
install -s 'wrap:mvn:jboss/jbossall-client/4.2.3.GA/ \\
$Bundle-SymbolicName=jbossall-client&Bundle-Version=4.2.3.GA& \\
If defined in a features.xml file, you'll need to escape any ampersands and quotes, or use a CDATA tag:
<bundle>wrap:mvn:jboss/jbossall-client/4.3.2.GA/ \\
$Bundle-SymbolicName=jbossall-client \\
&Bundle-Version=4.3.2.GA \\