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Managing promotions to Dynamic Engine environments in Talend Management Console

You can promote objects such as workspaces, plans, tasks, and artifacts from a source environment to a target environment, for example:

  • from a Dynamic Engine environment to another Dynamic Engine environment
  • from a Remote Engine environment to a Dynamic Engine environment.

Naming convention

When working with several environments, workspaces and artifacts are created in the target environment with the same name as in the source.

You should be consistent with workspace and artifact names across your organization.

To overwrite a previous version of a workspace or artifact in the target environment, it must have the same name and be in the same workspace in the source from which it was promoted. For this reason, you should also provide purposeful names from the start and avoid changing them once you have started your promotions.

During promotion, the target tasks will inherit the tags from the source task.

Conflicts during promotion

There can be conflicts when promoting objects. Conflict details are listed in the promotion analysis report.

Any of the following situations prevents you from promoting artifacts to the target environment:
  • Tasks in the source environment have the same name /path.
  • Workspaces share the same name in the source environment.
  • Several workspaces from the target environment and one workspace from the source environment share the same name.
  • A task has resources or connections in personal workspaces of the source environment.
  • Another promotion is running at the same time on the same source and target environments.

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