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Managing Run profiles for Dynamic Engine environment tasks

Run profiles contain the set of configurations, that is the resource allocation and advanced properties, for executing tasks.

You can see the list of run profiles from the Run Profiles tab of the Processing page.

You can use the Environment filter to display the list of run profiles associated with a specific Dynamic Engine environment.

You must have the Run Profiles - Manage (TMC_RUN_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT) user permission to manage run profiles.

Creating a run profile

Before you begin

You must have the Run Profiles - Manage (TMC_RUN_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT) user permission to create run profiles.


  1. Open the Processing page.
  2. Click the Run profiles tab.
  3. Click Add run profile.
  4. Select Dynamic Engine as processor type.
  5. Select a Dynamic Engine environment from the list.
  6. Enter a name for the run profile.
  7. Add a description.
  8. Configure the JVM arguments you want to set for all Jobs running on the engine with this profile.
    The JVM parameter values set here will override the values set in Talend Studio. The resource settings for Kubernetes pods and containers are also set here through the JVM settings.


    Creation of a run profile.
    This example shows custom settings for CPU and memory allocated for the current task run in Kubernetes:
    • -DI:PodCPURequest specifies the initial CPU allocation for the pod.
    • -DI:PodCPULimit sets an upper limit on the pod's CPU usage, preventing it from monopolizing CPU resources.
      Information noteNote: Kubernetes measures CPU resources in milliCPU (m), also known as millicore. The smallest value you can specify is 1m, which represents 0.001 of a physical or virtual CPU core. If you enter a numeric value without a unit, Kubernetes interprets it as a fraction of a CPU core. For example:
      • 0.5 requests half a CPU core (500m).
      • 1 requests one full CPU core (1000m).
    • -DI:PodRAMRequest specifies the initial memory allocation for the pod.
    • -DI:PodRAMLimit sets an upper limit on the pod's memory usage, preventing it from consuming excessive resources.
    For further information about the parameters to be used to manage Kubernetes pods and containers, see Resource Management for Pods and Containers from the Kubernetes documentation.
  9. Click Save or Save and add another to create another run profile with different JVM settings.

Updating a run profile

You can update a run profile directly from the list of run profiles or from the run profile drawer.

Before you begin

You must have the Run Profiles - Manage (TMC_RUN_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT) user permission to update run profiles.


  1. Open the Processing page.
  2. Click the Run profiles tab.
  3. Hover over the name of the run profile you want to edit and click the Edit icon.
    You can also click the name of the run profile to open the run profile details panel, then click Edit to open the drawer.
  4. Edit the run profile, such as renaming the run profile, editing the description or adding a JVM argument.
  5. Save your changes.

Deleting a run profile

You can delete a run profile directly from the list of run profiles or from the run profile details panel.

Before you begin

You must have the Run Profiles - Manage (TMC_RUN_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT) user permission to delete run profiles.


  1. Open the Processing page.
  2. Click the Run profiles tab.
  3. Hover over the name of the run profile you want to delete and click the Delete icon.
  4. If this run profile is used by existing tasks, reconfigure these tasks by selecting one of the following options:
    • Do not use a run profile for these tasks.
    • Use an alternative run profile for these tasks and select a run profile from the list.
    If you are deleting the last run profile of the engine, the runs will be rescheduled without a run profile, using the default values.
  5. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

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