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Predefined standard and semantic types

The data models in Talend Cloud Data Stewardship define the structure of the data you load to the campaigns and decide the type of the data based on some supported standard and semantic types.

The tables below list all the standard and semantic types supported and integrated by default in the application.

Predefined standard types

Standard type



String text


Numeric value


Decimal numeric value


Date including day, month, and year


Time of the day


Date and time


Answers with the value True or False

Predefined semantic types

Semantic type


Origin of data


Academic and professional suffix Academic and professional suffix Talend Ph.D.
Academic and professional title Academic and professional title Talend Professor
Airport Code Airport code Talend CDG
Amex Card American Express card Talend 3759 875543 21000
AT VAT Number Austrian VAT number Talend AT12345678
Bank Routing Transit Number Bank routing transit number Talend 801234567
BE Postal Code Belgian postal code Talend 1000
BG VAT Number Bulgarian VAT number Talend BG1234567891
CA Province Territory Canadian province Stadoids Quebec
CA Province Territory Code Canadian province code Stadoids QC
Christian religious title Christian religious title Talend Brother
Civility Civility Talend MRS
Color Hex Code Color hexadecimal code Talend #Ab1Cd2
Continent Continent name Talend europe
Continent Code Continent code Talend EUR
Country Country name ISO OBP France
Country Code ISO2 2-letter country code ISO OBP FR
Country Code ISO3 3-letter country code ISO OBP FRA
Currency Code Currency code ISO OBP Currency codes EUR
Currency Name Currency name ISO OBP Currency codes Euro
Data URL URL starting with the word data Talend data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27hi%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E
DE Postal Code German postal code Talend 20038
DE Phone German phone number Talend 00492 23456789
Email Email address Talend
EN Month Month in English Talend January
EN Month Abbrev English month abbreviation Talend Jan
EN Weekday Week day or their abbreviation Talend Wednesday
File URL File URL Talend file://host/path
Formal title Formal title Talend Madam
FR Commune French municipality Insee Laval
FR Departement French department Insee Mayenne
FR Insee Code French Insee code of cities with Corsica and colonies Insee FRA-53970
FR Phone French phone number Talend 0601020304
FR Postal Code French postal code Talend 44000
FR VAT Number French VAT number Talend FRAB 123456789
FR Region French region Insee Pays de la Loire
FR Region Legacy Former French regions, prior to the 2016 territorial reform. Insee Nord-Pas-De-Calais
FR Social Security Number French social security number Talend 1 23 45 67 891 234 56
Generic URL Generic URL (Web, HDFS, MailTo, data, file) Talend data:text/html,%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27hi%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E
Gender Gender Talend Female
Geographic Coordinate Geographic coordinate, longitude or latitude coordinates with at least meter precision Talend -171.12345
Geographic Coordinates Geographic coordinates, Google Maps style GPS Decimal format Talend 47.986206, -0.782563
Geographic Coordinates (degree) Geographic coordinates (degrees), Latitude and longitude coordinates separated by a comma. Talend N 0:59:59.99,E 0:59:59.99
HDFS URL HDFS URL Talend hdfs://data/users.csv
IBAN International Bank Account Number Talend AB12 1234 ABCD 1AB2 B2A1A1B2
Inherited suffix Inherited suffix Talend Jr.
Islamic religious title Islamic religious title Talend Sharif
IPv4 Address IPv4 address Talend
IPv6 Address IPv6 address Talend 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
ISBN-10 International standard book number 10 digits Talend ISBN-10: 1-2345-6789-1
ISBN-13 International standard book number 13 digits Talend ISBN-13: 979-1-23456-789-6
Job Title Job title Talend translator
Judaic religious title Judaic religious title Talend Rabbi
Language Language Wikipedia French
Language Code ISO2 2-letter language code Wikipedia fr
Language Code ISO3 3-letter language code Wikipedia fra
MailTo URL MailTo URL Talend
MAC Address MAC address Talend 1a:2b:3C:4D:5e:A1
MasterCard Mastercard credit card Talend 5412345678912345
Military suffix Military suffix Talend USN
Money Amount (EN) Amount of money in English format Talend $12.34
Money Amount (FR) Amount of money in French format Talend 12,34 €
Month Month Talend July
MX Estado Mexican state Stadoids Chihuahua
MX Estado Code Mexican state code Statoids CHH
Name Suffix Name suffix (Inherited, academic, professional or military) Talend BA
North American state US state and Canadian province Talend New York
North American state code US state code and Canadian province code Talend NY
Passport Passport number Talend 1234567891AAA1234567A1234567ABCDEFGHIJKLMN12
Phone number Phone number (DE, FR, UK, US) Talend 0201020304
Religious title Religious title (Christian, Islamic, Judaic) Talend Pastor
SE Social Security Number Swedish person number Talend 19960110-5678
SEDOL Stock exchange daily official list Talend 0123456
Street Type Street type Talend Avenue
UK Phone UK phone number Talend tel:+44 123 456 7891
UK Postal Code UK postal code Talend SO15 2GB
UK Social Security Number National identification number, national identity number, or national insurance number generally called NI number Talend AT123456A
URL Web site URL Talend
US County US county name Wikipedia Durham
US Phone US phone number Talend +1-650-513-0514
US Postal Code US postal code Talend 12345-6789
US Social Security Number US social security number Talend 123-45-6789
US State US states Talend Alaska
US State Code US state code Talend AL
Title Title (Civility, academic, professional, formal, religious) Talend Mister
Visa Card Visa credit card Talend 4970 0021 0394
Web Domain Web site domain Talend
Weekday Day of the week Talend Saturday

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