New archived content: Talend MDM, Talend Data Catalog 8.0, and Talend 7.3 products reached their end of life in 2024. Their documentation was moved to the Talend Archive page and will no longer receive content updates.
You can edit campaigns whether they are started or not started
yet. However, the options available when editing a campaign which has been started are
Log in as a campaign owner.
Click Campaigns to open the list of the campaigns for
which you are the owner.
Point to the campaign you want to edit and click the gear icon displayed to the
right of the campaign.
You can not modify the name and type of the campaign, the data model used
in the campaign and the workflow states.
Add new campaign owners, campaign operators or data stewards or
modify the roles as needed. You can only add users if you have
been assigned the role of Campaign Owner in Talend Administration Center.
Information noteNote: To be able to assign roles, you first need to assign the
roles in Talend Administration Center.
Modify the access rights and survivorship rules used on the attributes in the
data model selected in the campaign.
Modify the roles assigned to the workflow states.
Click Edit campaign at the bottom of the page to validate
your changes.
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