Dynamically using the data from another dataset
The lookup feature matches data from the current preparation with its counterpart in a reference dataset, allowing you to add this reference data to your preparation.

Before you begin
- Google Cloud Storage (Cloud file systems)
- Azure Synapse (Database)
- Google BigQuery (Database)
- Google BigTable (Database)
- Marketo (Business Apps)
- Google Analytics (Business Apps)
- NetSuite (Business Apps)
- Workday (Business Apps)
- Kafka (Messaging)
- RabbitMQ (Messaging)

Another behavior of the lookup feature, that was not illustrated in the previous example, is how the possible duplicate and empty values from a reference dataset are handled.
Let's take the following example, where one of the State codes is missing from your preparation, and your reference dataset has a duplicate entry for the NY State code. For the sake of the example, NY has two possible values, New York and Nueva York, but it could very well be the same for both entries.

The above result was achieved by applying the following behavior:
- When a same value exists several times in the reference dataset, only the first occurrence is matched, Nueva York in this case.
- An empty cell in your preparation will be matched with an empty cell.