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Filtering on these values to create an "or" condition

Now that you have a way of knowing which rows match the regular expression, you will be able to retrieve them all by creating a filter on this new column.


  1. Click the header of the car_year_matching column to select its content.
    In the data profiling area, on the bottom right of the screen, you can see a horizontal bar chart showing the repartition between the true and false values in the column. Point your mouse over each bar to display the exact number of occurrences.
  2. To create the filter, click the true bar.
    You can see from the filter bar that the filter was applied on the dataset, and customers data is only displayed if it matches the condition previously set by the regular expression.


With this filter based on not just one, but several numerical values at the same time, you have isolated sales involving cars from the specified years. From there you can apply any function and work on this sample only.

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