Use a SetElementProperty and a
GetElementProperty function to edit a byte offset in an
Before you begin
You have created a flat structure.
About this task
In this example, you have a flat file with a root element and three child elements
named a, b and c, with the following sample
Each child element has an initiator,
A, B and C respectively. The goal is to
configure the c element to ignore the 0000 part of the value.
Open the Util tab for the c element.
Drag and drop a SetElementProperty function in the
Util tab.
Drag and drop an Add function on the
Value argument.
Drag and drop a GetElementProperty function on the
First Value argument.
Double-click the GetElementProperty function and select
Byte offset in the Property drop-down
list, then click OK.
Drag and drop the c element on the Element
argument of the GetElementProperty function.
Drag and drop a Constant function on the Second
Value argument.
Double-click the Constant
function and enter 4 in the Value field, then click OK.
The expression created indicates that the byte offset for the c
elements should be calculated by adding the four bytes to ignore to the current offset of the
c element, which is called by the GetElementProperty element.
If you want to check that the new offset is correct, you can create a map with this
structure as both input and output.
When using the Test Run feature, you should get the
following result:
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