Talend Data Catalog architecture
This architecture diagram identifies the functional blocks of Talend Data Catalog, and the interactions among them.

Several functional blocks are defined:
- The Clients block, with a web
browser and a REST API.
From the web browser or the REST API, you access the Talend Data Catalog web application. This is where you create models, import metadata, trace lineage, manage the metadata repository, design the enterprise architecture and handle administrative tasks.
- The Server block includes the
Talend Data Catalog web application. It uses an embedded
Apache Tomcat server and runs as a standard web application. By default, this server is
accessible on port 11480.The Talend Data Catalog web application includes:
- the Metadata Management application for metadata management, data governance and data cataloging,
- the Metadata Repository for metadata storage,
- the Metadata Harvesting application for metadata import and export.
- The Database block contains the database used to store and retrieve metadata and run computations on. The supported databases are Oracle, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server.
- The Remote Metadata Harvesting Servers block, with one or more metadata harvesting server(s) installed on a remote machine. Talend Data Catalog uses this machine as an agent to import from or export to the metadata source technology.