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Reusing a contextualized Hadoop connection in a Job

Before you begin

  • An empty Job has been created and opened in the workspace of Talend Studio.

  • A Hadoop connection and its child connections have been properly set up following the explanations in Setting up the Hadoop connection.


  1. In the workspace of Talend Studio, drop a Hadoop related component, for example, tHDFSConnection. This means that you must have created a contextualized HDFS connection under the contextualized Hadoop connection to be used.
  2. Double-click this component to open its Component view.
  3. From the Property type list, select Repository and click the [...] button to open the view of the repository content.
  4. Select the HDFS connection to be used and click OK to validate the selection.
  5. In the pop-up dialog box, click Yes to accept adding the contexts defined for the connection to the Job and in the window that is displayed, select the listed contexts.
  6. Click OK to validate the addition.


The contexts available for use can then be seen in the Run view of the Job at your disposal.

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