Double-click the first tFixedFlowInput component to display its Basic settings view.
Select Built-In from the Schema drop-down list.
Information noteTip: You can select Repository in
the Schema drop-down list to fill in the
relevant fields automatically if the relevant metadata has been stored in the
Repository. For more information about
Metadata, see Managing metadata in Talend
Click Edit schema to define
the data structure of the input flow. In this case, the input has two integer type
columns: ID and ID_Insurance, and then
click OK to close the dialog box.
Fill in the Number of rows field to
specify the entries to output, e.g. 50000.
Select the Use Single Table check
box. In the Values table and in the
Value column, assign values to the
columns, e.g. 1 for ID and 3
for ID_Insurance.
Perform the same operations for the second tFixedFlowInput component, with the only difference in
the values. That is, 2 for ID and 4
for ID_Insurance in this case.
Double-click the first tHashOutput to
display its Basic settings view.
Select Built-In from the Schema drop-down list and click Sync columns to retrieve the schema from the
previous component. Select Keep all
from the Keys management drop-down list
and keep the Append check box
Perform the same operations for the second tHashOutput component, and select the Link with a tHashOutput check box.
Configuring data retrieval from hash cache and data output
Double-click tHashInput to display
its Basic settings view.
Select Built-In from the Schema drop-down list. Click Edit schema to define the data structure,
which is the same as that of tHashOutput.
Select tHashOutput_1 from the
Component list drop down
Double-click tFileOutputDelimited to
display its Basic settings view.
Select Built-In from the
Property Type drop-down list. In the
File Name field, enter the full path and
name of the file, e.g. "TalendStudioDirectory/workspace/out.csv".
Select the Include Header check box
and click Sync columns to retrieve the
schema from the previous component.
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