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Inserts, updates, or deletes data from an OData web service.

tODataOutput Standard properties

These properties are used to configure tODataOutput running in the Standard Job framework.

The Standard tODataOutput component belongs to the Internet family.

The component in this framework is available in all subscription-based Talend products.

  • This component is available only when you have installed the 8.0.1-R2024-01 Talend Studio monthly update or a later one delivered by Talend. For more information, check with your administrator.
  • This component only supports OData version 4.x.

Basic settings

Property type

Either Built-in or Repository .
  • Built-in: No property data stored centrally.
  • Repository: Select the repository file in which the properties are stored. The fields that follow are completed automatically using the data retrieved.

Schema and Edit Schema

A schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields to be processed and passed on to the next component. The schema is either Built-in or stored remotely in the Repository.

  • Built-in: You create and store the schema locally for this component only. For more information about a component schema in its Basic settings tab, see Basic settings tab.

  • Repository: You have already created the schema and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and Job designs. For more information about a component schema in its Basic settings tab, see Basic settings tab.

Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:

  • View schema: choose this option to view the schema only.

  • Change to built-in property: choose this option to change the schema to Built-in for local changes.

  • Update repository connection: choose this option to change the schema stored in the repository and decide whether to propagate the changes to all the Jobs upon completion.

    If you just want to propagate the changes to the current Job, you can select No upon completion and choose this schema metadata again in the Repository Content window.

Guess schema

Click this button to retrieve the schema according to your settings. This button works when Status, headers and body is selected from the Returned content drop-down list or Output key/value pairs is selected and key/value pairs are set in the table under the Output key/value pairs option.

When retrieving data from OData, you can specify the format and content of the data retrieved using the schema, the Guess schema button, the Entity set option, the, Specify entity key option, the $filter/search/select/expand option, and the Return type option.

Root URL

Type in the URL address identifying the root of the OData service you want to access, for example, For more information, see Service Root URL.

Authentication type

Select one of the following authentication methods depending on the server security requirements:

  • No authentication: no authentication is expected to access the server.
  • Basic: A username and a password are expected. For more information, see RFC 2617.
  • Digest: A username and a password are expected. For more information, see RFC 2617.
  • Bearer token: A raw access token is expected. It will be carried into the request header as Authorization: Bearer <your token>.
  • NTLM: A username (that may contain a domain name) and a password are expected. For more information, see NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol.
  • API key uses a flexible way to pass an API key token to the server, including the ability to select where to pass it, its name and a prefix:
    • Destination: Select where the token will be set: either in a header with the given name, or in a query parameter with the given name (not recommended as the token might be visible in the logs).
    • Name: Enter the name of the header or query parameter.
    • Prefix (optional): Enter the prefix to be added in front of the token (only if the Destination is Request header).
    • Token: Enter the authentication token.
  • OAuth 2.0 automatically manages the retrieval and renewal of the access token against the OAuth server then passes it to the target endpoint as a bearer token:
    • Flow: The OAuth flow you want to execute. Currently, only the Client Credentials flow is supported.
    • Authentication mode: For all authentication methods supported, the flow and scope parameters are set in the body in the format application/x-www-form-urlencoded, with keys grant_type=xxx&scope=xxxx.
    • Token endpoint: Enter the authentication token using the format oauth2/
    • Client ID and Client secret: Enter the client ID and client secret.
    • Scopes: Enter the scope. If not set, the scope key is not added in the body form.
Information noteTip: To enter a password, a token, or a client secret key, click the [...] button next to the corresponding field to bring out the Enter a new password dialog box, enter the password, the token, or the secret key in the text field, and click OK. Note that you can enter either a JSON string in the pure password mode or a Java expression in the Java mode. You can toggle between the two modes by clicking switch to Java mode or switch to pure password mode on the top of the text field.

Entity set

Enter or select the specific entity set you would like to retrieve from the service. For more information, see Addressing Entities.

Information noteTip: To visualize all available entity sets, click the [...] button next to the corresponding field to bring out the Retrieve values dialog box, and click Run in background. A new dialog box opens with all the retrieved entity sets you can select. Note that you can also provide a Custom value by selecting the Use custom value check box.

This option impacts the schema of the output flow of this component. It is recommended to update the schema by clicking the Guess schema button after setting the key/value pairs in the table under this option.

Output action

Select an operation to be performed from the drop-down list.

  • Insert: Inserts new records in the previously defined entity set.

  • Update: Modifies existing records in the previously defined entity set. The available update types are Patch (updates existing records with modified properties), or Replace (overwrites existing records with new ones).

  • Delete: Deletes existing records in the previously defined entity set.

Specify the request configuration

Select this option to configure your request.
  • Key value: Enter the existing value you want to update or delete.

    This option is only available if you select either Update or Delete from the Output action list.

  • Request body: Enter the body of the message you want to include in the request. The format needs to match the format selected in the Request body format field.
    JSON example:
     "id": "184",
     "lastname": "Truce",
     "age": "37",

    This option is only available if you select either Insert or Update from the Output action list.

    XML example:
  • Request body format: Set the body format by selecting the corresponding option.

Advanced settings

tStatCatcher Statistics

Select this check box to gather the Job processing metadata at a Job level and at each component level.

Use custom authorization token header Select this check box to enter a custom authorization token header name. The default header name is Authorization.

This option is available when OAuth 2.0 is selected in the Authentication type option in the Basic settings of the component.

Use custom token prefix Select this check box to enter a custom token prefix. The default token prefix is Bearer. If you do not have a token prefix, leave this field empty.

This option is available when OAuth 2.0 is selected in the Authentication type option in the Basic settings of the component.

Connection timeout (ms)

Set the timeout period (in milliseconds) for the connector to establish a connection to the server. An error occurs if an attempt to establish a connection fails.

Receive timeout (ms)

Set the timeout period (in milliseconds) for receiving response data. An error occurs if no data is received when the read timeout period expires.

Use a proxy

Select this option to use an HTTP or a SOCKS proxy.

  • Proxy type: Select the type of proxy you want to use: HTTP or SOCKS. The HTTP proxy support basic authentication.
  • Proxy host and Proxy port: Enter the address and port of the proxy.
  • Proxy login and Proxy password: Enter the credentials needed to authenticate to the proxy. These two fields are available when HTTP is selected from the Proxy type drop-down list.

Accept header and Headers

Use these options to define some request headers as name-value pairs.

Talend supports If-Match headers. For more information see If-Match.

Use custom URL parameters

Select this check box to specify the parameters that will be set in the query URL after the ? character in the form of name-value pairs.

Body charset

Enter the encoding type of the requested body.

This option is only available if the Insert/Update option and the Specify the request check box are selected in the basic settings.

Global Variables

Global Variables

ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This variable functions only if the Die on error check box is cleared, if the component has this check box.

NB_LINE: the number of rows read by an input component or transferred to an output component. This is an After variable and it returns an integer.


Usage rule

This component can be used as intermediate step in a data flow or as an end object in the Job flowchart.

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