Configuring the input component
Double-click tNamedPipeOpen to define its
propeties in its Basic settings view.
Fill in the Name field with the name of a named-pipe and select Delete if already exist to avoid duplicate named-pipe.
Double-click tParallelize to define its
properties in its Basic settings
Select end of all subJobs from the Wait for list.Fill in the Sleep Duration field with 100 to set the sleep duration.
Double-click tFileInputDelimited to
define its properties in its Basic settings
Fill in the File name/Stream field with the following expression to use the name of the existing named-pipe defined in the Basic settings view of tNamedPipeOpen:
Click the [...] button next to Edit
- Click the plus button to add three columns for tFileInputDelimited. Fill the three Column fields with id, first_name and last_name and set the Type of id to Integer. Keep the rest of the settings as default.
- Click OK to save the settings for the schema.
- Keep the rest of the settings in the Basic settings view of tFileInputDelimited as default.
- Double-click tSleep and fill the Pause (in seconds) field with 1.
- Double-click tRowGenerator to define its properties in its Basic settings view.
Click RowGenerator Editor to define the
- Click the plus button to add three columns for tRowGenerator. Fill the three Column fields with id, first_name and last_name and set the Type of id to Integer. Keep the rest of the settings of Type as default.
- Select sequence from the list in the Functions field for id.
- Select getFirstName from the list in the Functions field for Column first_name.
- Select Talend DataGenerator.getLastName from the list in the Functions field for Column last_name.
- Select id, fill the Value field under Function parameters tab with s1 for sequence identifier, 1001 for start value and 1 for step.
- Click OK to save the settings.
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