Writes data into or removes data from the Talend MDM Server.
This component is not shipped with your Talend Studio by default. You need to install it using the Feature Manager. For more information, see Installing features using the Feature Manager.
tMDMOutput receives data from the preceding component, generates an XML document, and then writes data in an MDM Hub using an output field.
tMDMOutput Standard properties
These properties are used to configure tMDMOutput running in the Standard Job framework.
The Standard tMDMOutput component belongs to the Talend MDM family.
The component in this framework is available in all Talend products.
Basic settings
Property Type |
Either Built-in or Repository. |
Built-in: No property data stored centrally |
Repository: Select the repository file where the properties are stored. The fields which follow are filled in automatically using the fetched data. |
Input Schema and Edit schema |
An input schema is a row description, it defines the number of fields that will be processed and passed on to the next component. The schema is either built-in or remote in the Repository. Click Edit schema to make changes to the schema. If the current schema is of the Repository type, three options are available:
Click Sync columns to collect the schema from the previous component. |
Built-in: You create the schema and store it locally for this component only. Related topic: see Setting a Built-in schema in Jobs. |
Repository: You have already created the schema and stored it in the Repository. You can reuse it in various projects and Job designs. Related topic: see Setting a repository schema in a Job. |
Build the document |
Select this check box if you want to build the document from a flat schema. If this is the case, double-click the component and map your schema in the dialog box that opens. If the check box is not selected, you must select the column in your schema that contains the document from the Predefined XML document list. |
Result of the XML serialization |
Lists the name of the XML output column that will hold the XML data. |
Use an existing connection |
Select this check box if you want to use a configured tMDMConnection component. |
MDM version |
By default, Server 6.0 is selected. Although it is recommended to migrate existing Jobs for this new version, the Server 5.6 option is available to ease the process of the migration of your Jobs so as to keep them working without modification with a 6.0 server. To do so, an option on the server must be enabled to accept and translate requests from such Jobs. |
Type in the URL of the Talend MDM Server. |
Username and Password |
Type in the user authentication data for the Talend MDM Server. To enter the password, click the [...] button next to the password field, enter the password in double quotes in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK to save the settings. Information noteNote:
Ensure that the user has been assigned a role in Talend MDM enabling him or her to connect through a Job or any other web service call. For further information, see MDM custom roles. |
Data Model |
Type in the name of the data model against which the data to be written is validated. |
Data Container |
Type in the name of the data container where you want to write the
master data.
Information noteNote:
This data container must already exist. |
Type |
Select Master or Staging to specify the database on which the action should be performed. |
Return Keys |
Columns corresponding to IDs in order: in sequential order, set the output columns that will store the return key values (primary keys) of the item(s) that will be created. |
Is Update |
Select this check box to update the modified fields. If you leave this check box unchecked, all fields will be replaced by the modified ones. |
Fire a Create/Update event |
Select this check box to add the actions carried out to a modification report. Source Name: Between quotes, enter the name of the application to be used to carry out the modifications. Enable verification by before saving process: Select this check box to verify the commit that has been just added, prior to saving. Information noteNote: The insert/update operation will fail, without any indication, if the
Enable verification by before saving process check
box is selected and the validation of the data record is not successful.
For more information about the Before Saving process, see Setting schema for a Before Saving/Deleting Job. |
Add task id |
Select this check box to set an identifier for the task. The tMDMOutput component will write this ID on the Talend MDM Server which provides a way of tracking the task.
Use partial update |
Select this check box if you need to update multi-occurrence elements (attributes) of an existing item (entity) based on the content of a source XML stream. Once selected, you need to set the parameters presented below: - Pivot: type in the xpath to the multi-occurrences sub-element where data need to be added, replaced or deleted in the item of interest. For example, if you need to add a child sub-element to the below existing item:
And, if you need to replace a child sub-element in an existing item:
In such an example, assuming the item in MDM only has an office address, the office address will be replaced, and the home address will be added. - Overwrite: select this check box if you need to replace or update the original sub-elements with the input sub-elements. Leave unselected if you want to add a sub-element. - Key: type in the xpath relative to the pivot that will help match a sub-element of the source XML with a sub-element of the item. If a key is not supplied, all sub-elements of an item with an XPath matching that of the sub-element of the source XML will be replaced. If more than one sub-element matches the key, MDM will update the first one it encounters. If no sub-elements match the key, it is added at the end of the collection. -Position: type in a number to indicate the position after which the new elements (those that do not match the key) will be added. If you do not provide a value in this field, the new element will be added at the end. - Delete: select this check box if you need to remove one or more sub-elements from the original sub-elements. For example, if you need to remove two houses from the existing item below:
In this case, the House [1] and House [2] will be deleted. For more examples of the partial update operations, see Examples of partial update operations using tMDMOutput. |
Die on error |
Select this check box to skip the row in error and complete the process for error-free rows. If needed, you can retrieve the rows in error via a Row > Rejects link. |
Advanced settings
Extended Output |
Select this check box to commit master data in batches. You can specify the number of lines per batch in the Rows to commit field. |
Configure Xml Tree |
Opens the interface which helps create the XML structure of the master data you want to write. |
Group by |
Select the column to be used to regroup the master data. |
Create empty element if needed |
This check box is selected by default. If the content of the interface's Related Column which enables creation of the XML structure is null, or if no column is associated with the XML node, this option creates an opening and closing tag at the required places. |
Advanced separator (for number) |
Select this check box to modify the number of separators used by default. - Thousands separator: enter between inverted commas the separator for thousands. - Decimal separator: enter between inverted commas the decimal separator. |
Generation mode |
Select the appropriate generation mode according to your memory availability. The available modes are:
Encoding |
Select the encoding type from the list or else select Custom and define it manually. This is an obligatory field for the manipulation of data on the server. |
tStatCatcher Statistics |
Select this check box to gather the processing metadata at the Job level as well as at each component level. |
Global Variables
Global Variables |
ERROR_MESSAGE: the error message generated by the component when an error occurs. This is an After variable and it returns a string. This variable functions only if the Die on error check box is cleared, if the component has this check box. NB_LINE: the number of rows processed. This is an After variable and it returns an integer. NB_LINE_REJECTED: the number of rows rejected. This is an After variable and it returns an integer. A Flow variable functions during the execution of a component while an After variable functions after the execution of the component. To fill up a field or expression with a variable, press Ctrl+Space to access the variable list and choose the variable to use from it. For more information about variables, see Using contexts and variables. |
Usage rule |
Use this component to write a data record and separate the fields using a specific separator. You can increase the timeout values for a Job using this component to help process a large number of data records. For more information, see advanced execution settings for JVM parameters in the article Timeout values for a Job using MDM components. |