LDAP components
tLDAPAttributesInput | Analyses each object found via the LDAP query and lists a collection of attributes associated with the object. |
tLDAPClose | Disconnects one connection to the LDAP Directory server so as to release occupied resources. |
tLDAPConnection | Creates a connection to an LDAP Directory server. |
tLDAPInput | Executes an LDAP query based on the given filter and corresponding to the schema definition. Then it passes on the field list to the next component via a Row > Main link. |
tLDAPOutput | Executes an LDAP query based on the given filter and corresponding to the schema definition. Then it passes on the field list to the next component via a Row > Main link. |
tLDAPRenameEntry | Renames ones or more entries in a specific LDAP directory. |