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The tHTTPClient_2 component accesses the OpenAI GPT-3 model
text-davinci-003 for the French translation of the description
field of the received schemaExtensions entity data and passes the data to the subsequent
Double-click tHTTPClient_2 to open its
Basic settings view.
Click the [...] button next to
Edit schema to open the schema editor, add a column in
addition to the existing four columns in the table on the right (that is, the
tHTTPClient_1 (Output) table, with the column name of
fr and type of String), and click
Enter the base URL of the OpenAI GPT-3 model text-davinci-003, that
is,, in the Base
URL field.
Select Bearer token from the
Authentication type drop-down list and enter your bearer
access token in the field under the Authentication type
drop-down list.
To enter the token, click the [...] button next to the Bearer access
token field to bring out the Enter a new
password dialog box, enter the token in the text field, and click
OK. Note that you can enter the token either in a JSON
string in the pure password mode or as a Java expression in the
Java mode. You can toggle between the two modes by clicking
switch to Java mode or switch to pure password
mode on the top of the text field.
Type POST in the HTTP
method field.
You can also set the HTTP method by clicking the [...]
button next to the HTTP method field and selecting
POST from the dialog box that appears.
Type completions in the Path
Select the Request body option and:
Select JSON from the Body type
drop-down list.
Enter the following lines in the JSON box.
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": "Can you translate in french:'{.input.description}'"
Select JSON from the Response
body format drop-down list and Body from the
Returned content drop-down list.
Select Output key/value pairs option
Add a row in the table under the option.
Enter "fr" in the Name column
of the table.
Enter "{.response.choices[0].text}" in the
Value column of the table.
Select the Forward input values option.
Leave the other options as they are.
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