Specifying a map variable and alternate map in tHMap
The Map Variable parameter in tHMap allows you to specify a contextual variable that contains a path to a map.
Information noteTip: This example uses a context variable, but if you have installed the R2024-04
Talend Studio
monthly update or a later one delivered by Talend, you can
also use a global variable. In this case, you could use a
tSetGlobalVar component to set a global variable containing a
path to a map.
This example shows you how you can build a Job using the tHMap component, where you specify a map variable and an alternate contextual map.

- Ensure that you have created several contextual maps. In this example scenario,
use three alternate contextual maps.
In your local machine, create a text file with the following content, where my_map refers to the Map Variable name, job_with_tContextLoad refers to the Job name and thMap_1_c refers to the Alternate Contextual Map name:
Ensure that you replace the values according to the names of the Map variable, the Job, and the Alternate Contextual Map you created.