Configuring the components
Double-click tS3Connection to open its
Basic settings view.
- In the Access Key and Secret Key fields, enter the authentication credentials.
Double-click tS3BucketExist to open its
Basic settings view.
- Select the Use existing connection check box to reuse the connection.
- In the Bucket field, enter the bucket name to check if it exists.
Double-click the If link to define the
In the Condition box, enter the
This way, the rest of the Job will be executed if the specified bucket does not exist. -
Double-click tS3BucketCreate to open its
Basic settings view.
Select the Use existing connection check box to reuse the connection.In the Bucket field, enter the bucket name to create.
Double-click tS3BucketList to open its
Basic settings view.
Select the Use existing connection check box to reuse the connection.
Double-click tIterateToFlow to open its
Basic settings view.
Click Edit schema to open the schema
Click the [+] button to add one column, namely bucket_list of the String type.Click Ok to validate the setup and close the schema editor.
- In the Mapping area, press Ctrl + Space in the Value field to choose the variable tS3BucketList_1_CURRENT_BUCKET_NAME.
Double-click tLogRow to open its
Basic settings view.
Select Table (print values in cells of a table) for a better display of the results.
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