Drop a tFileInputRaw component, a tXSLT component, and a tLogRow component from the Palette to the design workspace.
Connect the tFileInputRaw component and the
tXSLT component using a Row >
Main connection; connect the tXSLT component
and the tLogRow component using a Row >
Main connection.
Double-click tFileInputRaw to
open its Basic settings view and:
Set the path or browse to the customers.xml file in the
Filename field.
Select the Stream the file option.
Leave the other options as they are.
Double-click tXSLT to open its
Basic settings view and:
Enter row1.content in the XML
file field to receive the input stream.
Set the path or browse to the customers.xsl file in the
XSL file field.
Set the path or browse to the output html file
(customers.html in this scenario) in the Output file field.
In the Parameters area, click the plus
button to add a line. Enter "bgcolor" and
"green" in the name column and the
value column.
Leave the other options as they are.
Save the Job and press F6 to execute it.
The output HTML file is generated as defined.
In the Basic settings view
of the tXSLT component,
Click the [...] button next to
Edit schema to open the schema editor, add a column (type
String) on the tXSLT side, and click
Yes when prompted to propagate the change.
Select Use column instead of file for result option
and select the column just added from the Output column for
result drop-down list.
Leave the tLogRow component as it is.
Save the Job and press F6 to execute it
The output is displayed in the console.
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