Double-click tFixedFlowInput to open its
Basic settings view.
Next to Edit schema, click the [...] button to open the Schema dialog box, and add a second column
column you have defined in the previous scenario.
When done, click OK to validate this
change and thus close the dialog box.
In the Content field of the Mode area, add more first name and last name data
to make the input data read as
Double-click tSynonymSearch to open its
Basic settings view.
Click Sync columns to synchronize the
columns of this component with the preceding one and click Yes to propagate the changes to the next
component when prompted.
Click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the Schema dialog box, and add two columns to the output
schema: matched_fname and
These columns will hold the matched reference entries in the output
When done, click OK to validate the
setting and accept propagating the changes when prompted.
In the Limit of each group field, type in
10 to replace the one you have defined in the
previous scenario.
Under the Columns to search table, click
the [+] button to add a second row and
define the parameters as follows:
In the Input column column,
select LASTNAME from the drop-down list.
In the Reference output column
column, select matched_lname from the drop-down
In the Index path column, type
in, between quotation marks, the path to the synonym index holding
the last name entries.
In the Search mode column, select
Match exact for both input columns. This
will match the exact input word against an exact index word.
In the Score threshold column,
enter 0.9 to filter results and list only terms
with higher similarity.
Leave the Min similarity and
Word distance columns as they
are only for the fuzzy modes and the Match
partial mode respectively.
In the Limit column of this row,
leave the default value 5.
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