To be able to learn a classification model from a text, you must divide this text
into tokens and convert it to the CoNLL format using
tNormalize .
Double-click the tNLPPreprocessing component to open its
Basic settings view and define its properties.
Click Sync columns to retrieve the
schema from the previous component connected in the Job.
From the NLP Library list, select the library to
be used for tokenization. In this example,
ScalaNLP is used.
From the Column to preprocess list, select the column
that holds the text to be divided into tokens, which is
message in this example.
Double-click the tFilterColumns component to open its
Basic settings view and define its properties.
Click Edit schema to add the
tokens column in the output schema because this is
the column to be normalized, and click OK to
Double-click the tNormalize component to open its Basic settings
view and define its properties.
Click Sync columns to retrieve the
schema from the previous component connected in the Job.
From the Column to normalize list, select
tokens .
In the Item separator field, enter
"\t" to separate tokens using a tab in the
output file.
Double-click the tFileOutputDelimited component to open
its Basic settings view and define its properties.
Click Sync columns to retrieve the
schema from the previous component connected in the Job.
In the Folder field, specify the path to the
folder where the CoNLL files will be stored.
In the Row Separator field, enter
"\n" .
In the Field Separator field, enter
"\t" to separate fields with a tab.
Press F6 to save and execute the
The output files are created in the specified folder. The files contain a single
column with one token per row.
You can then manually label person names with PER and the
other tokens with O before you can learn a classification
model from this text data: