If the MVN
URI of the library exists in the file <TalendStudio>\configuration\MavenUriIndex.xml, it is
automatically filled in the Default MVN URI field.
- If you have not installed the R2020-10 Studio monthly
update or a later one provided by Talend, and if you need to customize the Maven URI of
the library, select the Custom MVN URI check box, specify the
new URI, and then click the Detect the module install status button
to validate its installation status.
- If you have installed the R2020-10 Studio monthly
update or a later one provided by Talend, and if the MVN URI of the library is within the
jar file, it is automatically detected and filled in the Custom MVN URI field if it is different
from the default MVN URI. Select the Custom MVN URI check box if you want to
change the custom Maven URI or use the custom Maven URI to install the
library. If neither the default MVN URI nor the custom MVN URI exists,
the Default MVN URI field is filled with