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DD_CFG registry key

The DD_CFG key contains several parameters for communication, and for the source and target engines.

Parameter Description


Timeout before restarting a service.

Default value is 30 seconds.

BackupLog Use this parameter to do a backup of DDMSGQ messages log file.

Value= 0 means there is no backup (default value).

Value= X means DDMSGQ.DDM file is copied in DDMSGQ.DDM.YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.log file, where X is the number of backup files to keep.

For more information on DDMSGQ file, see section Managing messages log.


This parameter contains the username that is invisible to the source engine.

"Hollow" means that all journal sequences that have this username are just simply ignored by the source engine, regardless of sequence type. This parameter is used to hide actions from the source engine.

The default value assigned during installation is DD_HOLLOW.


This parameter contains the name of the table used to make data conversions:

  • from AS/400 IBMi sources to NT server targets,
  • from NT server sources to AS/400 IBMi targets.

Default value is e297ANSI.cpg.

Other possible values are:
  • e1164UTF8.cpge037ANSI.cpg,
  • e037UTF8.cpg,
  • e284UTF8.cpg,
  • e297UTF8.cpg,
  • e297UTF8_pg.cpg,
  • e297UTF8_pg_odbc.cpg,
  • e500ANSI.cpg,
  • e500UTF8.cpg,
  • e870UTF8.cpg,
  • e1025UTF8.cpg,
  • e1130UTF8.cpg,
  • e1144ANSI.cpg,
  • e1153UTF8.cpg.
MaxLoadTxtFileCount This variable is used in case of recovery load with flat files.

Its value indicates the maximal number of records stored in the file before it is sent to the target.

0 value means the variable is not used.

MaxLoadTxtFileProcess This variable is used in case of recovery load with flat files.

Its value indicates the maximal number of files that are sent to the target in parallel.

Combined with MaxLoadTxtFileCount variable, it accelerates the replication process.

0 value means the variable is not used.


This parameter indicates the maximal size of the message queue. This log file, called DDMSGQ.ddm, is available in Talend Change Data Capture <DestinationPath>\Data. When the defined value is exceeded, the log file is automatically erased.

Default value is 2048 KB.


This parameter defines the maximal size of the journal receiver on the source engine.

Default value is 500 MB.

Increasing this value may be useful when a big number of transactions is expected to be replicated.


This parameter is used to put the source engine into a sleep mode for n (0 to 9) cycles after each request for sequences made to the journal. This is aimed at exchanging fewer blocks, but with greater volumes of data. The end purpose is to drastically cut down CPU consumption (under 0.1%).

The default value is 0.
Information noteNote: It is recommended to test various values (from 0 to 9) before setting the definite one, as this value will be applied to all replications after their restart.


This parameter activates the processing of update before (UB) values during the streaming process.

Default value is 1. Update before values are not sent.

Value = 0 means update before values are sent.


This parameter contains the maximum time delay allocated to the IP correspondent to respond. The TimeOut management for replication engines is the following: it is either applied to the source or to the target in an alternate way.

The default value assigned during the installation is 300 seconds, i.e., five minutes.


This parameter contains the maximum time delay allocated to the target program to respond. It completes the TimeOut parameter. The target program may take more time to perform an action in the target base or to run a program or a script. This parameter is used to allocate the maximum time for such long actions.

The default value assigned during the installation is 300 seconds, i.e., five minutes.


This parameter provides trace between the source and target engines running on the current machine through the sent and received data packets.

The trace is generated in a file called See_cccddd on the source and Ree_sssddd on the target (where ee refers to the environnement code, ccc the target code, sss the source code, and ddd the distribution code).

Default value is 0: trace is not activated.
Information noteNote: You can't use this parameter together with the trace records enabled through Talend Change Data Capture Manager. To enable or disable this trace, you must restart the engines. Trace records can be very bulky.
Sample trace:
Processor time in milliseconds <===> (direction), Size in octet
                                0 ===> Receive size=32276
                                0 <=== Send size=146
                                78 ===> Receive size=32276
                                93 <=== Send size=418
                                172 ===> Receive size=32276
TypeFmt Format of the sequence numbers read in the journal on AS/400 IBMi machines.

The value of this parameter corresponds to the size (number of digits) of the sequence number.

Value= 4 corresponds to 10 digits.

Value= 5 (default) corresponds to 20 digits.

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