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Talend Cloud Data Catalog und Talend Data Catalog - Anwendungen

Neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen

Funktion Beschreibung

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Manage Cloud Identity: new support for coding services in parameter name

Updated Cloud Identity to support coding services in parameter name.

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Manage Data Classes: semantic type integration with Talend Dictionary Services.

Removed Data Classes integration with Talend Dictionary Services.

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Manage System: improved operation name and the application and database server information

Renamed operation Delete operation logs to Delete operation logs and files to mention that the operation generated files are also deleted.

Updated information from the MANAGE > System menu to include more details on the data folders.

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Model import: improved the Test Connection result dialog

Redesigned the Test Connection result dialog.

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Suche: new filter on conditional label

Added new conditional label filter in worksheets.

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Manage data classes: improved data classification

Improved data classification by automatically proposing composite data classes based on the ration from the child data classes.

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UI: new framework to prevent dialogs to be bigger than the browser window

Added framework to simplify auto-resizing of dialogs. When the browser is too small for the window size, the window will automatically be made smaller.

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REST-API: added new functions

Implemented two new REST API functions POST/entities/executeWorksheet and GET/entities/countWorksheet to retrieve the content of a worksheet.

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Bedeutende Fixes

Problem Beschreibung

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Datenfluss: Depth is not working in Full Data Lineage

Fixed Depth diagram filter.

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Manage data classes: does not classify CSV files on import

Fixed automatic metadata classification when importing a model.

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Configuration management: database object not available in the configuration

Fixed the problem that deleting a configuration folder failed to remove the contents under the folder from the configuration.

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Object explore: incorrect model number under browser panel tree

Fixed incorrect model number under browser panel tree.

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Glossary: the OK button is disabled when creating the first term in new glossary

Das Problem wurde behoben.

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MQL: MQL queries in worksheets are not upgraded properly

Fixed the problem regarding upgrading MQL syntax in the user tags.

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