Container properties
You open the properties panel for a container by clicking Edit sheet in the toolbar and clicking the container that you want to edit.
If the properties panel is hidden, click Show properties in the lower right-hand corner to open it.
Click Add to add a chart to the container. If the container has more than one charts, you can drag the charts to set the tab order.
You can edit each chart under Content:
- Label: Change how the label of the chart appears on the tab.
- Show condition: Add a show condition for the chart. Typically you would use an If() function:
- Edit properties: Allows you to edit the properties of the chart inside the container.
- Delete Deletes the chart from the container.
See if - script and chart function.
Show titles: Select to enable or disable titles, subtitles, and footnotes in the container.
Enter Title, Subtitle, and Footnote. By default, the string is interpreted as a text string. However, you can also use the text field for an expression, or a combination of text and expression. An equals sign (=), at the beginning of a string shows that it contains an expression.
if you want to create an expression by using the expression editor.
Information noteTitles are displayed on a single line. If you inject line breaks they will be ignored.Example:
Assume that the following string is used, including quotation marks: 'Sales: ' & Sum(Sales).
By default, the string is interpreted as a text string and is displayed as presented in the example. But if you begin the string with an equals sign: (='Sales: ' & Sum(Sales)), the string is interpreted as an expression instead. The output is then Sales: <value of expression>, where <value of expression> is the calculated value.
- Show details: Set to Show if you want to allow users to be able to choose to view details, such as descriptions, measures, and dimensions.
Alternate states
State: Set the state to apply to the visualization. You can select:
- Any alternate state defined in Master items.
- <inherited>, in which case the state defined for the sheet is used.
- <default state>, which represents the state where no alternate state is applied.
For more information about alternate states, see Using alternate states for comparative analysis.
Tabs: Set whether each chart in the container appears in a tab. If set to Off only the top chart will appear. By default, set to On.
Menu: Set whether a menu button appears when there is not enough space for all tabs. By default, set to Auto.
Navigation arrows: Set whether navigation arrows appear when there is not enough space for all tabs. By default, set to Auto.
Show icons: By default, Off. With the On setting, chart icons are displayed on each tab.
Default tab: Set which tab is displayed when a user opens a sheet. By default, the first tab in a container is the active tab.
Auto: Default setting. Container will or will not have a border depending on app theme settings.
See: Styling an app
- Border: Container will have a border.
- No border: Container will not have a border.