Creating security rules
Do the following:
Open the QMC: https://<QPS server name>/qmc
Select Security rules on the QMC start page or from the Start
drop-down menu.
Create new in the action bar.
A split page is displayed, with the editing pane to the left (with all the properties) and the audit page to the right.
Under Identification, in the Create rule from template drop-down list, select the resource type to create a rule for.
Tip noteIn the Basic section, next to the Resource filter text box, you can click the arrow to open a popover where you can select multiple resources for the filter.For example, if you create an App access rule and set the resource condition Name to MyApp, it means that the rule applies to the app named MyApp. However, setting Name to MyApp* will apply the rule to all apps with names beginning with MyApp.
Information noteChanging the Create rule from template selection automatically clears all Actions, and changes the Conditions text box in the Advanced section accordingly. -
Under Identification, give the rule a name and a description.
Select Disabled if you do not want to enable the rule at this time.
If needed, add additional resources to the resource filter. Click
next to the Resource filter text box to open a pop-up with the available resources.
In the Basic section, click
to add more conditions (optional).
When using multiple conditions, you can group two conditions by clicking Group. After the conditions have been grouped, you have the option Ungroup. Additional subgrouping options are Split and Join. The default operator between conditions is OR. You can change this in the operator drop-down list. Multiple conditions are grouped so that AND is superior to OR.Information noteWhen using a wildcard (*), you must use the "like" operator, instead of "=".
For a presentation of the resource conditions, see: Available resource conditions.
Define the resource filters, see: Defining resource filters.
Select the applicable Actions to assign access rights to the user for the resource.
Select a user condition that specifies which users the rule will apply to.
Warning noteEnvironment data received from external calls, for example, type of OS or browser, is not secured by the Qlik Sense system. -
In the Advanced view, you can select where the rule should be applied from the Context drop-down list.
Click Preview to view the access rights that your rule will create and the users and resources that they apply to.
Click Apply to create and save the rule.
Successfully added is displayed at the bottom of the page.