Resource edit page
You edit resources from the edit page. You must have update right to be able to edit. If you do not have update rights you can view the page but you cannot edit. In this example you see the Edit app page.
Legend letter | Description |
A | The selections panel, to the left, displays the resources you are currently editing. You can edit several resources at the same time to manage the QMC content efficiently. |
B | Click Apps to return to the overview page where you can change your selection. |
C |
The edit page displays the properties that you select from the property groups in the right panel. If you select several items from the overview and they have different values for a specific field, Multiple values is displayed as the field value. Clicking |
D | The Properties section displays the property groups containing the properties for the resource. You can display or hide properties on the edit page. |
E |
The Associated items section shows what items that are associated with this particular resource. |
F |
The action bar at the bottom of the page contains the Apply and Cancel buttons. Clicking Cancel resets all field values. Apply is disabled if a mandatory field is empty. The unsaved changes dialog is displayed if you leave the edited page without clicking Apply. Choose Continue to leave the edit page and undo all your changes or Cancel to stay on the edit page. If the communication with the QRS fails when you click Apply, an error message is displayed. You can continue editing or try clicking Apply again. |