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Step 1: Install Qlik Replicate in the cluster

Information noteIf your Windows Cluster is not ready or not fully configured, contact your IT team or Microsoft for guidance.
Information noteBefore installing Replicate on your Windows cluster, make sure that you configure your Windows Cluster Roles to use shared storage and a client access name.

To install Qlik Replicate in your cluster environment, perform steps 1-3 on each of the cluster nodes:

  1. Run the Qlik Replicate setup wizard on the first node that is part of your cluster (the active node). Install Qlik Replicate to a local folder. The default path is C:\Program Files\Attunity\Replicate.

    In the setup wizard, specify a shared storage location for the "data" folder; for example, F:\Replicate\data.

    For more information, see Setting up Qlik Replicate on Windows.

  2. Once setup has completed, open a command prompt as an administrator and change the working directory to the Replicate bin directory. The default path is C:\Program Files\Attunity\Replicate\bin.

    Then, run the following three commands, where Command 1 should only be run on the first cluster node.

    Warning note
    • The new_master_user_key must be identical on all participating cluster nodes.

      For more information on the role played by the master user key in Replicate, see Encrypting the user permissions file.

    • Setting the admin password using the setserverpassword command will invalidate the master key. Therefore, make sure to set the admin password before running the setmasterkey command.

    • The setmasterkey command overrides the mk.dat file, rendering all stored secrets invalid (as they were encrypted using the old key). Therefore, after changing the master key, you need to reenter the passwords in all of the relevant places. For more information, see Changing and protecting the master key.

      Additionally, because the Replicate server password is also stored in the mk.dat file, you need to reset it as described in Changing the server password

    repctl -d replicate_data_folder setmasterkey new_master_key master_key_scope=1


    • replicate_data_folder is the shared storage location of the Replicate data folder defined earlier (for example, F:\Replicate\data). Paths with spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks.
    • new_master_key is the new master key
    repuictl -d replicate_data_folder masterukey set -p new_master_user_key


    • replicate_data_folder is the shared storage location of the Replicate data folder defined earlier (for example, F:\Replicate\data). Paths with spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks.
    • new_master_user_key is the new master user key

    Once the command completes, open the Windows Services console and restart both the Qlik Replicate Server and Qlik Replicate UI Server services.

    Information noteThis command is only required if you are using one of the following source endpoints: MongoDB, Salesforce, or Sap Extractor. Before running this command, make sure you have registered your license.

    Change your working directory to <REPLICATE_INSTALL>\endpoint_srv\bin and then run the following command to add the Endpoint Server data folder:

    rependctl -d replicate_endpoint_server_folder masterukey set


    replicate_endpoint_server_folder is the path to the endpoint_srv folder (as shown in the example below):


    rependctl -d "F:\Program Files\Attunity\Replicate\data\endpoint_srv\data" masterukey set

    You will be prompted for a new password. Type the password or paste it from an external editor. Note that the password must contain at least 32 characters and will not be displayed in the command prompt when it is entered.

    Tip note

    To generate a strong 32-character password, open another command prompt and change your working directory to <REPLICATE_INSTALL>\bin. Then run:

    repuictl utils genpassword

    Enter your password and then press [Enter].

    You should receive a "Master user key successfully set" confirmation.

  3. Leave the command prompt open.

  4. Stop the Replicate services.
  5. Move your cluster to the next cluster node and install Qlik Replicate as described in Step 1 above.

    Information noteWhen you install Replicate on additional cluster nodes, setup will end with an error that the Qlik Replicate UI Server service could not be started. This is normal as the service can only be started after you run Command 2 described above. If you are using certain endpoints, you might also need to run Command 3 (see note above). Run the required command(s) and then start the Qlik Replicate UI Server service after they complete.
  6. After Replicate is installed on all nodes, move all resources back to node 1, where the command prompt should still be open. Then run the following command (from <REPLICATE_INSTALL>\bin) to set the Client Access Point name:

    repuictl -d replicate_data_folder configuration set --address client-access-point-name


    • replicate_data_folder is the shared storage location of the Replicate data folder defined earlier (for example, F:\Replicate\data). Paths with spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks.
    • client-access-point-name is the Client Access Point name for the cluster.

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