QVD Creation
In the QVD Creation folder, supporting tasks for QlikView Data (QVD) creation can be viewed and managed.
The QVD creation feature allows QlikView Administrators to deliver specific QVD files to specific QlikView Developers and end-users. With QVD creation, QlikView Administrators can schedule tasks to create QVD files. These tasks do not require an existing QlikView document file. Instead, the QlikView Administrator can insert the load script necessary to generate a QlikView table into the QVD creation task, and the QlikView Publisher (QVP) will execute the load script and automatically store the QVD in a desired location.
Add Task
To add a task, click on the Add Task icon, , in the upper right corner of the right pane. The following tabs will be created:
Click on each tab label for more information.
View Status
To view the status and the settings of a task, in the right pane, click on the task in the tree view.
Edit Task
To configure a task, click on the Edit Task icon, , or click on the task in the tree view. In the right pane, the following tabs are presented:
Click on each tab label for more information.
Copy Task
To copy a task, click on the Copy this task to clipboard icon, .
Paste Task
Pasting a task into a folder will create a new task. To paste a copied task to a specific folder, click on (highlight) the folder and click on the Paste Task icon, , in the right pane (to the left of the Add Task icon,
Run Task
To start a task, click on the Run this task icon, .
Abort Task
To stop a task, click on the Abort this task icon, .
Delete Task
To entirely remove a task, either click on (highlight) the document, in which the task resides, in the tree view, and click on the Delete this Task icon of that task, , in the right pane, or click on (highlight) the task in the tree view, and right-click on Delete.