Current Selections Box

In the current selections box, selections are listed by field name and field value. This tool displays the same information as the free-floating current selections window but it is positioned directly on the sheet like any other sheet object. The indicators are used for distinguishing between selected and locked values.
By a right-click on a current selections box the Current Selections Box: Object Menu) will be displayed. It can also be accessed from the Object menu, when the current selections box is the active object.
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Object menu
The current selections box Object menu is opened by right-clicking the object. The menu commands are:
Opens the Current Selections Box Properties dialog where a number of parameters can be set.
Allows creating and sharing notes about the current object.
This cascade menu is only available when the Design Grid command of the View menu is activated or when the Always Show Design Menu Items under User Preferences: Design is checked. It contains four commands to set the layout layer of the sheet objects. Valid layer numbers are -128 to 127.
- Bring to Front: Sets the layout layer of the sheet object to the largest value currently used by any sheet object on the current sheet.
- Send to Back: Sets the layout layer of the sheet object to the smallest value currently used by any sheet object on the current sheet.
- Bring Forward: Increases the layout layer of the sheet object by one. Maximum value is 127.
- Send
Backward: Decreases the layout layer of the sheet object by one. Minimum value is
The chart title is appended with the text “(Detached)” and the chart is no longer updated with selections made in the document (though selections may actually still be made from the chart). The command is available only if the chart is attached. By making a copy of a chart and detaching it, you may make direct comparisons between the copy and the original.
Attaches a detached chart. The chart becomes dynamically linked to the data. The command is available only if the chart is detached.
Set Reference
By choosing this option you set a chart reference, i.e. a fixed plot of the chart with the current selections. When further selections are made in the document the reference plot remains, dimmed in the background. Chart axes etc will be adjusted to always include the maximum of the background data set and the current data set. The current data set is always plotted on top of the reference plot, i.e. some portions of the reference plot may be obscured by the current data set plot. The way the background is dimmed can be controlled via the Reference Mode setting on the Chart Properties: General page. The display of reference chart plots is only possible in some chart types, e.g. bar charts, line charts, combo charts, radar charts, scatter charts, grid charts and gauge charts with needles. It is not possible to set a reference for a chart that contains a drill-down or a cyclic group. The reference will be lost when closing the document or when reloading data. The maximum number of objects that can be included when using the Set Reference option is 500.
Clear Reference
This command is replaced with the Set Reference command when a reference is set. By choosing it the previously set reference will be cleared and the chart will revert to normal plot mode.
Makes an identical copy of the chart. If a detached chart is cloned the clone will be attached.
This cascade menu is only available when the Design Grid command of the View menu is activated or when the Always Show Design Menu Items under User Preferences: Design is checked. It contains four commands to set the layout layer of the sheet objects. Valid layer numbers are -128 to 127.
- Bring to Front: Sets the layout layer of the sheet object to the largest value currently used by any sheet object on the current sheet.
- Send to Back: Sets the layout layer of the sheet object to the smallest value currently used by any sheet object on the current sheet.
- Bring Forward: Increases the layout layer of the sheet object by one. Maximum value is 127.
- Send
Backward: Decreases the layout layer of the sheet object by one. Minimum value is
Select Possible
All non-excluded values of the field are selected.
Select Excluded
All excluded values of the field are selected.
Select All
All values of the field are selected.
Clears all the current selections of the field.
Clear other fields
Clears the selections in all the other sheet objects, including selections in other fields of the current selections box, while maintaining selections in this specific field of the current selections box.
Locks the locked value(s) of the field.
Unlocks the locked value(s) of the field.
Opens the Print dialog where print settings can be specified.
Print as PDF...
Opens the Print dialog with the Microsoft Print to PDF printer pre-selected. After pressing the Print button you will be prompted for a file name for the PDF output file. This command is only available if a PDF printer is available on the system.
Send Values to Excel
Exports the text to Microsoft Excel, which is automatically launched if not already running. The text will appear in the cells of a new Excel worksheet. For this functionality to work Microsoft Excel 2007 or later must be installed on the computer.
Opens a dialog where you can export the contents in the current selections to a file of your choice. The file can be saved as any of the following formats: Comma Delimited, Semicolon Delimited, Tab Delimited, Hypertext (HTML), XML and Excel (xls or xlsx). The default format is *.qvo (QlikViewOutput), a tab separated file.
Copy to Clipboard
This cascade menu contains the various copy options for the sheet object.
- Data: Copies the data (selections) in the selected current selections box to the clipboard.
- Cell Value: Copies the text value of the current selections box cell right-clicked upon (when invoking the Object menu) to the clipboard.
- Image: Copies an image of the current selections box to the clipboard. The image will include or exclude the sheet object caption and border depending on the settings in the User Preferences dialog, Export page.
- Object: Copies the entire sheet object to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere in the layout or in another document opened within the current instance of QlikView.
Linked Objects
Opens a menu with the following commands for linked objects.
- Adjust Position of Linked Objects: All linked objects on all sheets are adjusted to the same position and size as the one/ones highlighted.
- Unlink This Object/Unlink Objects: This destroys the link between the objects, making them different objects with different object IDs.
Iconizes the object. Clicking on the icon in the object caption (if shown) produces
the same result. This
command is available only if minimizing is allowed in the object's Properties dialog on the Caption page.
Enlarges the object to fill the sheet. Clicking on the icon in the object caption (if shown) produces the same result. This command is available
only if maximizing is allowed in the object's Properties
dialog on the Caption page.
Restores a minimized or maximized object to its previous size and
location. Double-clicking the icon of a minimized object or clicking the icon in the object caption (if shown) of a maximized object produces
the same result. This command is available only for minimized or
maximized objects.
Opens QlikView help.
Removes the sheet object from the sheet.
The Current Selections Box Properties: General page is opened by a right-click on a current selections box and choosing the Properties command in the float menu. Here it is possible to set general parameters of the current selections box.
Property | Description |
Title |
The text to appear in the current selections box caption area. The title can also be defined as a calculated formula for dynamic update of the label text. Click the ... button to open the Edit Expression dialog for easier editing of long formulas. |
Alternate State |
Choose one of the available states in the list. The following Alternate States are always available.
Object ID |
This is used for macro purposes. Every sheet object is assigned a unique ID. We recommend that you use alphanumeric characters only in the ID. Linked objects share the same object ID. You may edit this ID number later on. For current selections boxes, the ID starts with CS01. |
In the Displayed Columns group, you determine if the status and/or the values columns will appear in the current selections box.
- Status: Checking this box will add a Status column with indicator to the current selections box.
- Values: Checking this box will add a Values column to the current selections box, listing selected field value.
- Drop-down Select: Enable this setting to display a drop-down icon for each field in the current selections box, thus making it possible to modify selections within the object.
- Clear Icons: If this check box is marked each field row in the current selections box will display a small clear icon. Clicking on the clear icon will clear selections in the field. No clear icon will be shown for locked fields.
- Lock/Unlock Icons: If this check box is marked each field row in the current selections box will display a small lock or unlock icon. Clicking on the icon will lock or unlock selections in the field.
Checking Use Column Labels enables the following settings:
- Fields: The label to be shown above the Fields column can be edited in the text box.
- Status: The label to be shown above the Status column can be edited in the text box.
- Values: The label to be shown above the Values column can be edited in the text box.
In the Color group you may edit the colors of the different components of the current selections box.
- Label Background: Defines the background color of the label row.
- Label Text Color: Defines the text color of the label row.
- Text Color: Defines the text color of the display area.
- Background...: Opens the Background Settings dialog.
Here the Font, Font style and Size of the font to be used can be set.
The font can be set for any single object (Object Properties: Font), or all objects in a document (Apply to Objects on Document Properties: Font).
Further, the default document fonts for new objects can be set on Document Properties: Font. There are two default fonts:
- The first default font (List Boxes, Charts, etc) is used for most objects, including list boxes and charts.
- The second default font (Text Objects and Buttons) is used for buttons and text boxes, which are objects that usually need a larger font.
Finally, the default fonts for new documents can be set on User Preferences: Font.
For charts, buttons and text objects (except search objects) a font Color can also be specified. The color may Fixed or it can be dynamically Calculated from an expression. The expression must be a valid color representation, which is created using the color functions. If the result of the expression is not a valid color representation, the font color will default to black.
Additional settings are:
- Drop Shadow: If this option is checked a drop shadow will be added to the text.
- Underline: If this option is checked the text will be underlined.
A sample of the selected font is shown in the preview pane.
A Layout setting will apply to the current object only, if it is made
from the Object Properties
A Layout setting will apply to all objects of the specified type(s) in
the document, if it is made from the Document
Properties page.
Use Borders
Enable this setting in order to use a border around the sheet object. Specify the type of border by selecting it in the drop-down menu.
- Shadow Intensity: The Shadow Intensity drop-down menu makes it possible to set the intensity of the shadow that surrounds the sheet objects. There is also the choice of No Shadow.
- Border Style: The following predefined border types are available:
- Solid: A solid unicolored border.
- Depressed: Border giving the impression of depressing the sheet object from the background.
- Raised: Border giving the impression of raising the sheet object from the background.
- Walled: Border giving the impression of a wall around the sheet object.
- Border Width: This option is available for all border types. The width can be specified in mm, cm, inches (", inch), pixels (px, pxl, pixel), points (pt, pts, point) or docunits (du, docunit).
- Color: Click this button to open a dialog in which an appropriate base color can be chosen from the color palette for all border types.
- Rainbow: Creates a rainbow colored border for all border types. The rainbow will start with the selected base color on top of the sheet object.
When Simplified is the chosen Styling Mode in Document Properties: General, there is no choice of border type, there is only the Shadow Intensity drop-down menu and the Border Width setting.
Rounded Corners
In the Rounded Corners group the general shape of the sheet object is defined. These settings allow for drawing of sheet objects ranging from perfectly circular/elliptical via super elliptical to rectangular. Rounded Corners is only available if you have selected Advanced Styling Mode in Document Properties: General.
- Rounded Corners: Checking this option makes the alternatives for rounded corner shapes possible.
- Corners: Corners for which the check box remains unmarked will be drawn rectangular instead.
- Squareness: A variable number between 2 and 100 where 100 defines a rectangle with perfectly square corners and 2 corresponds to a perfect ellipse (a circle for a 1:1 aspect ratio). A squareness between 2 and 5 is usually optimal for achieving rounded corners.
- Corner Radius: This setting determines the radius of the corners in fixed distance (Fixed) or in percent of the total quadrant (Relative (%)). This setting lets you control the extent to which the corners will be affected by the underlying general shape set under Squareness. The distance can be specified in mm, cm, inches (", inch), pixels (px, pxl, pixel), points (pt, pts, point) or docunits (du, docunit).
In the Layer group an object can be defined as residing in one of three layers:
- Bottom: A sheet object with the Bottom layer property can never obscure sheet objects in the Normal and Top layers. It can only be placed on top of other sheet objects in the Bottom layer.
- Normal: When created, sheet objects reside in the Normal (middle) layer. A sheet object in the Normal layer can never be obscured by sheet objects in the Bottom layer and can never obscure sheet objects in the Top layer.
- Top: A sheet object in the Top layer can never be obscured by sheet objects in the Normal and Bottom layers. Only other sheet objects in the Top layer can be placed on top of it.
- Custom: The Top, Normal and Bottom layers correspond to internally numbered layers 1, 0 and -1 respectively. In fact all values between -128 and 127 are accepted. Choose this option to enter a value of your choice.
Theme Maker...
Opens the Theme Maker wizard where you can create a layout theme.
Apply Theme ...
You can apply a layout theme to the object, sheet or document.
In the Show group it is possible to specify a condition under which the sheet object is displayed:
- Always: The sheet object will always be displayed.
- Conditional: The sheet object will be shown or hidden depending
on a conditional function which will be evaluated continuously depending on e.g.
selections etc. The sheet object will only be hidden when the condition
returns FALSE.
Users with Admin privileges for the document can override all show conditions by selecting Show All Sheets and Sheet Objects in Document Properties: Security. This functionality can be toggled by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S.
In the Options group, it is possible to disallow moving and resizing of the sheet object. The settings in this group are only relevant if the corresponding check boxes are enabled in Document Properties: Layout and Sheet Properties: Security.
- Allow Move/Size: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to move or resize the sheet object.
- Allow Copy/Clone: If this option has been deselected it will be impossible to make a copy of the sheet object.
- Allow Info: When the info function is in use an info icon will be displayed in the window caption
whenever a field value has information associated to it. If you don't
want the info icon to be displayed in the caption, you can uncheck this
Info - Size to Data: Normally the borders around all table sheet objects in QlikView will shrink when selections cause the size of the table to be less than allocated size for the sheet object. By deselecting this check box this automatic adjustment of size will be turned off leaving any surplus space blank.
Various controls for changing the scrollbar layout are located in the Scrollbars group:
- Preserve Scroll Position: With this setting enabled, QlikView will try to preserve the scroll position of tables and charts with a scroll bar when a selection is made in another object. The setting must be enabled in User Preferences: Objects as well. The scroll position is not preserved when you close the document.
- Scroll Buttons: Sets the scroll button color. Select a color by clicking the button. Note that medium gray tones often render the best results for scroll bars. Either color can be defined as a solid color or a gradient via the Color Area dialog that opens when you click the appropriate button.
- Scroll Background: Sets the scrollbar background color. Select a color by clicking the button.
- Scrollbar Width: This control affects both the width and the relative size of the scrollbar symbols.
- Scroll Style: Sets the scroll bar style. Select a style in the drop-down control.
The Classic scroll bar style corresponds
to QlikView 4/5 scroll bars. The Standard
scroll bar style gives a more modern look. The third style is Light,
which is a thinner, lighter bar.
The Styling Mode must be set to Advanced for the scroll bar style to be visible. This setting can be found on the General tab by opening the Settings drop-down menu and selecting Document Properties.
- Apply To...: Opens the Caption and Border Properties dialog where you can set where to apply the properties that have been set on the Layout page.
A Caption setting will apply to the current object only, if it is made
from the Object Properties
A Caption setting will apply to all objects of the specified type(s) in
the document, if it is made from the Document
Properties page.
On the Caption page, specify layout options that are completely different from the general layout of the object.
- Show Caption: When this option has been checked a caption will be drawn at the top of the sheet object. List boxes and other "box objects" will have the option switched on by default whereas buttons, text objects and line/arrow objects will not.
- Title Text: In the text box you can enter a title to be shown in the caption of the sheet object. Use the Font... button to change the caption font.
Set the colors of the caption in its different states. The settings for Active Colors and Inactive Colors can be made separately from each other.
Click the Background Color or Text Color button to open the Color Area dialog. The Background Color can be defined as a solid or a gradient color on the Color Area dialog. Text Color can be defined a Fixed or a Calculated color using color functions.
- Wrap Text: If this option is checked, the caption will be displayed in two or more rows.
- Caption Height (Lines): Set the number of caption lines in this edit box.
The precise size and position of the QlikView object can be determined and adjusted by the size/position settings for the Normal or Minimized QlikView sheet object. These settings are measured in pixels:
- X-pos: Sets the horizontal position of the left side of sheet object in relation to the sheet's left edge.
- Y-pos: Sets the vertical position of the top side of sheet object in relation to the sheet's upper edge.
- Width: Sets the width of the QlikView sheet object.
- Height: Sets the height of the QlikView sheet object.
The orientation of the caption label can be altered with the Caption Alignment options:
- Horizontal: The label can be horizontally aligned: Left, Centered or Right within the caption area.
- Vertical: The label can be vertically aligned: Top, Centered or Bottom within the caption area.
Special Icons
Many of the object menu commands of the sheet objects can be configured as caption icons. Select commands to be shown as caption icons by marking the check box to the left of each command in the list.
- Allow Minimize: When this option has been checked a minimize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that the object is minimizable. Furthermore, this will make it possible to minimize the object by double-clicking the caption.
- Auto Minimize: This option becomes available when Allow Minimize is checked. When Auto Minimize is checked for several sheet objects on the same sheet, all but one will be automatically minimized at any time. This is useful e.g. for alternately displaying several graphs in the same sheet area.
- Allow Maximize: When this option has been checked a maximize icon will be displayed in the window caption of the sheet object, providing that the object is maximizable. Furthermore, this will make it possible to maximizing the object by double-clicking the caption. If both Allow Minimize and Allow Maximize are checked, double-clicking will effect minimizing of the object.
- Help Text: Here you may enter a help text to be displayed in a pop-up window. The
help text may be specified as a calculated formula. This option is not available at document level. Click the ...
button to open the Edit Expression
dialog for easier editing of long formulas.
Expression syntax for calculated formulasEnter e.g. a description of the sheet object. A help icon will be added to the window caption of the object. When the mouse pointer is over the icon, the text will be displayed in a pop-up window.