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System requirements for Qlik NPrinting Engine

This section lists the minimum hardware and software requirements for Qlik NPrinting Engine.

Qlik NPrinting will work on both physical and virtual machines. However, virtualized applications are not supported. For example, Qlik NPrinting Engine will not work if it is installed on a computer with virtualized versions of QlikView Desktop and Microsoft Office distributed from a different computer. QlikView Desktop and Microsoft Office must be installed locally on the same physical or virtual machine where the Qlik NPrinting components are installed.

By default, only one Qlik NPrinting Engine is available for each Qlik NPrinting Server license. If you want to add additional engines to your Qlik NPrinting environment, you need to purchase them.


These Qlik NPrinting Engine requirements are for configurations where each Qlik NPrinting component is installed on a different computer. If you install more than one component (for example, the server and the engine) on the same computer, the minimum hardware requirements increase.

  • Platforms:
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (as of May 2022 SR1)
  • Processors (CPUs): Multi-core x64 compatible processors with a minimum of two cores.
  • Memory: 2 GB is required for each core with a minimum of 4 GB of RAM in total.
    • QlikView Desktop must have enough memory to manage the QlikView documents that you use as reporting data sources.
    • A MultiDoc report is a report with data from many QlikView documents. If you create MultiDoc reports, all QlikView documents used as data sources will be opened at the same time.

    • Connecting additional Qlik Sense servers will have an impact on Qlik NPrinting Server system resources. You may need to increase the RAM and CPU usage on Qlik Qlik NPrinting Engine and Qlik NPrinting Server computers if you connect to multiple Qlik Sense.

  • Qlik NPrinting can only be installed on C drives.

  • Disk space: 300 MB minimum
  • Information noteThe actual disk space required depends on multiple factors. The size of your reports and cached files will affect your space requirements. For larger apps and reports, you will need more than 300 MB of disk space.
  • Storage: Only Windows, local or shared, storage is supported.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported by Qlik NPrinting. However, if Microsoft Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is turned on, it may cause errors. For more information, see Microsoft Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is blocking QV.exe (QlikView) and reporting_web_renderer.exe (Qlik Sense).

  • Server clocks:

    Qlik NPrinting Server and Qlik NPrinting EngineWindows server clocks must be synchronized within a tolerance of 2 seconds. A Windows server synchronizes its clock with the domain controller clock, so, if Qlik NPrinting Server and Qlik NPrinting Engine are in the same domain, clocks will be in sync. You should not manually remove this option. If you install Qlik NPrinting Server and Qlik NPrinting Engine on different Windows server domains, you must ensure that clocks are synchronized within a tolerance of 2 seconds.

  • Platform security: TLS 1.2 must be enabled.
  • Information noteLicense activations request access to the Qlik Licensing Service. Open port 443 and allow outbound calls to

    Use of a proxy is supported. For more information about setting up a proxy service in Windows, see Licensing service proxy Setup

QlikView compatibility

QlikView Desktop is required for QlikView connection with Qlik NPrinting and must be installed on each Qlik NPrinting Engine computer.

If using server or cluster connections, QlikView Server and QlikView Desktop must be on the same version.

Qlik NPrinting February 2025 is compatible with the following QlikView versions (initial release and all service releases supported unless noted):

  • QlikView May 2023 (12.80)

  • QlikView May 2024 (12.90)

QlikView Desktop Personal Edition is not supported.

QlikView in Qlik Cloud is not supported.

If you are migrating from QlikView NPrinting 16 to Qlik NPrinting November 2019 or newer, you may need to upgrade your QlikView version. See: Upgrading QlikView NPrinting 16 before migration.

Qlik Sense compatibility

Qlik NPrinting February 2025 is compatible with the following Qlik Sense versions (initial release and all patches supported unless noted):

  • Minimum supported version is Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows August 2022.

  • Maximum supported version is Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows November 2024.

No client software is required for connecting Qlik Sense with Qlik NPrinting.

Information noteQlik Cloud is not supported.

Additional software installed

The following software is installed during the Qlik NPrinting Engine setup, unless it is already installed. It must not be removed:

  • PDF-XChange 5.0.269

    PDF-XChange is used to create PDFs from QlikEntity reports. PDF-XChange is not required for creating PDFs from other types of reports. If you do not use QlikEntity templates, you can uninstall PDF-XChange.

    Information note

    PDF-XChange installed with Qlik NPrinting Engine. It cannot be installed manually outside the Qlik NPrinting Engine installation as the installation uses custom parameters. If you need to reinstall PDF-XChange you must uninstall and reinstall Qlik NPrinting Engine.

  • .NET framework: 4.8.0
    Information note .NET framework is installed when you install Qlik NPrinting Server, Qlik NPrinting Engine, or Qlik NPrinting Designer. The installation of .NET framework requires an internet connection. If .NETframework is not already installed on a computer without an internet connection, the installation stops. Before you begin the installation of Qlik NPrinting Server, Qlik NPrinting Engine, or Qlik NPrinting Designer, you must install the .NET framework on computers without an internet connection. If an internet connection is not available on a computer with .NET framework already installed, the installer will skip this part of the installation.

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