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Create a MongoDB connection

You will need to know the server and database name that you want to connect to, and you must have access credentials. Once you have created a connection to a MongoDB database, you can select data from the available tables and then load that data into your app or document.

In Qlik Sense, you connect to a MongoDB database through the Add data dialog or the Data load editor.

In QlikView you connect to a MongoDB database through the Edit Script dialog.

Setting up the database properties

Database properties that can be configured
Database property Description Required
Server The IP address or host name of the server that is running the MongoDB database. Yes
Port Server port for the MongoDB database. Default value is 27017. Yes
Database The name of the MongoDB database. Yes

Authenticating the driver

Qlik Sense: MongoDB authentication properties

Authentication properties that can be configured
Property Description Required

The authentication mechanism used. Options are No Authentication, MongoDB User Name and Password, SCRAM-SHA-256, or LDAP.

Information noteWhen using Direct Access gateway, SCRAM-SHA-256 and LDAP authentication require Direct Access gateway 1.6.6 or later.
User name User name for the MongoDB connection. Yes, if Mechanism is not set to No Authentication
Password Password for the MongoDB connection. Yes, if Mechanism is not set to No Authentication

QlikView: MongoDB authentication properties

Authentication properties that can be configured
Property Description
Mechanism The authentication mechanism used. Options are No Authentication or MongoDB User Name and Password.
User name User name for the MongoDB connection.
Password Password for the MongoDB connection.
AuthSource Set the AuthSource property to the name of a database, if you want to use a database other than the admin database to check your credentials.

SSL Options

SSL options that can be configured
Property Description Required
Enable SSL This option specifies whether the driver uses SSL to connect to the server. No
Trusted Certificate (.pem) The full path of the .pem file that you use to verify the server. No
Allow Self-signed Server Certificate This option specifies whether the driver allows self-signed SSL certificates from the server. No
KeyFile (.pem) The full path of the .pem file containing the certificate for verifying the client. No
KeyFile Password The password of the client certificate file that is specified in the Full Path of Mutual .pem Certificate field. No

Replica Set

Replica set properties that can be configured
Property Description Required
Connect to Replica Set Specifies whether the driver can access replica sets in your MongoDB implementation. No
Replica Set Name The name of the replica set accessed by the driver. Yes, if connecting to a replica set.
Secondary Servers A comma-separated list of the servers that you need to use when connecting to a replica set. You can indicate the TCP port that the server is using to listen for client connections by appending a colon (:) and the port number to the server name or IP address. No
Read Preference Specify how the driver routes read operations to the members of a replica set. The following values are possible: Primary (default), Primary preferred, Secondary, Secondary preferred, Nearest. No


Sampling properties that can be configured
Property Description Required
Sampling Method This option specifies how the driver samples data when generating a temporary schema definition. Forward: (default) The driver samples data starting from the first record in the database, then samples the next record, and so on. Backwards: The driver samples data starting from the last record in the database, then samples the preceding record, and so on. Random: The driver selects sample records from the data source at random until the sampling limit is reached. No
Sampling Count The maximum number of records that the driver can sample to generate a temporary schema definition. When this option is set to 0, the driver samples every document in the database. Default value is 100. No
Sampling Interval The interval at which the driver samples records when scanning the database to generate a temporary schema definition. For example, if you set this option to 2, then the driver samples every second record in the database. If the Sampling Method is set to Random, this setting is ignored. Default value is 1. No

Miscellaneous properties

Miscellaneous properties that can be configured
Property Description Required
Allow non-SELECT queries Specifies whether the connector allows non-Select queries. Default state is disabled. Not available in QlikView. No
Persist Metadata Specifies whether metadata is stored. The following values are possible: Do not persist (default), Persist but do not overwrite, Persist and overwrite. No
Query timeout Amount of time before a data load query times out. Can be set from 30 seconds to 65535 seconds. Default value is 30. No
Enable Double-Buffering Specifies whether the connector retrieves the data using double-buffering. Default state is enabled. No
Documents to Fetch Per Block The maximum number of documents that a query returns at a time. Also determines the buffer size used when Enable Double-Buffering is enabled. Default value is 4096 No
Expose strings as WVARCHAR When enabled the String data type is mapped to WVARCHAR, when disabled it is mapped to VARCHAR. Default state is enabled. No
String Column Size The maximum number of characters contained in STRING columns. The maximum value is 2147483647, default value is 255. No
Expose binary as LONGVARBINARY When enabled the connector returns Binary columns as LONGVARBINARY data, when disabled it returns the columns as VARBINARY data. Default status is enabled. No
Binary Column Size The maximum data length for Binary columns. The maximum value is 2147483647, default value is 32767. No
Enable JSON Read/Write Mode When enabled the connector reports a special column named DocumentAsJson that retrieves or stores whole documents as JSON-formatted strings. Default status is disabled. No
JSON Column Size Sets the default column length for JSON fields. Default value is 1023. No
Enable Passdown When enabled the connector optimizes joins between virtual tables, passes filtering and aggregation optimizations to the MongoDB database for handling. Default state is enabled. No
Enable Mixed Type Filter

When enabled the connector retrieves all values that match a specified filter term, even if the values are stored as a different data type than the filter term. When disabled the retrieved values match the data type of the specified filter term.

Enable Temporary Table Compression This option specifies whether the SQL Engine compresses the temporary tables generated from executing nested select queries. No

Load optimization settings

Load properties that can be configured
Property Description Required
Max String Length

Maximum length of string fields. This can be set from 256 to 16384 characters. The default value is 4096. Setting this value close to the maximum length may improve load times, as it limits the need to allocate unnecessary resources. If a string is longer than the set value, it will be truncated, and the exceeding characters will not be loaded.


Advanced options

Information noteThis section is for advanced users who want to add their own custom connection parameters that are not displayed above.
Advanced options that can be configured
Property Description Required


Name of the custom property. You can add additional properties by clicking the Plus sign icon.


Value of the property.

Information noteWhen you connect to a MongoDB database with the Data load editor or the Edit Script dialog, Test Connection enables you to test the connection before you attempt to create it.

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