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Saving the load script

When you save the load script in Data load editor or Script, the entire app or script is saved, but data is not automatically reloaded.

When the load script is saved, the app or script will still contain old data from the previous reload, which is indicated in the toolbar. If you want to update the app or script:

  • In Data load editor, click load data Load data to fully load app data or click Run script without exporting data using store statements Preview data to load a limited number of rows.

  • In Script, click Run script without exporting data using store statements Preview data in Script to load the load script with a limited number of rows or click load data Export data to run the load script in full.

The script is automatically saved when data is loaded, previewed, or exported.

Data load editor and Script save your work automatically as you make changes to your load script. You can force a save by pressing CTRL+S.

Information noteThe load script is not saved automatically in Qlik Sense Desktop. You need to save the script manually.

When you save a script, it is automatically checked for syntax errors. Syntax errors are highlighted in the code, and all script sections containing syntax errors are indicated with warning next to the section label.

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