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Error handling


Apply conflicts

Duplicate key when applying INSERT: Select what action to take when there is a conflict with an INSERT operation.

Information noteWhen replicating from SaaS application sources, only the UPDATE the existing target record action is supported.
  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.


  • UPDATE the existing target record: The target record with the same primary key as the INSERTED source record is updated.

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

No record found for applying an UPDATE: Select what action to take when there is a conflict with an UPDATE operation.

Information noteThese settings are not available when replicating from SaaS application sources.
  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • INSERT the missing target record: The missing target record will be inserted into the target table. When the source endpoint is Oracle, selecting this option requires supplemental logging to be enabled for all the source table columns.

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.


Data errors

Data truncation errors

For data truncation errors: Select what you want to happen when a truncation occurs in one or more specific records. You can select one of the following from the list:

  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues, but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
Information note

Data truncation error handling is supported in Apply Changes replication mode only (not Full Load).

Other data errors

For other data errors: Select what you want to happen when an error occurs in one or more specific records. You can select one of the following from the list:

  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues, but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Escalating data error handling

Escalate error handling when other data errors reach (per table): Select this check box to escalate error handling when the number of non-truncation data errors (per table) reaches the specified amount. Valid values are 1-10,000.

Escalation action: Choose what should happen when error handling is escalated. Note that the available actions are dependent on the action selected from the For other data errors drop-down list described above.

  • Suspend table (default): The task continues, but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not moved.

    Information note

    The behavior differs according to the Change Processing Mode:

    • In Transactional apply mode, the last changes will not be moved.

    • In Batch optimized apply mode, a situation is possible where data will not be moved at all or only partially moved.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
  • Log record to the exceptions table: The task continues and the record is written to the exceptions table.

Table errors

When encountering a table error: Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Suspend table (default): The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Escalate error handling when table errors reach (per table): Select this check box to escalate error handling when the number of table errors (per table) reaches the specified amount. Valid values are 1-10,000.

Escalation action: The escalation policy for table errors is set to Stop task and cannot be changed.

Apply conflicts

Information noteThese settings are not available when replicating from SaaS application sources.

No record found for applying a DELETE: Select what action is taken when there is a conflict with a DELETE operation.

  • Ignore: The task continues and the error is ignored.
  • Log record to the exceptions table: The task continues and the record is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.
  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Escalating Apply conflicts error handling

Escalate error handling when apply conflicts reach (per table): Select this check box to escalate error handling when the number of apply conflicts (per table) reaches the specified amount. Valid values are 1-10,000.

Escalation action: Choose what should happen when error handling is escalated:

  • Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the error is written to the exceptions table.
  • Suspend table: The task continues, but data from the table with the error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated.

    Information note

    The behavior differs according to the Change Processing Mode:

    • In Transactional apply mode, the last changes will not be replicated

    • In Batch optimized apply mode, a situation is possible where there will be no replication of data or data replication will be partial.

  • Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Environmental errors

  • Maximum retry count: Select this option and then specify the maximum number of attempts to retry a task when a recoverable environmental error occurs. After the task has been retried the specified number of times, the task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

    To never retry a task, clear the check box or specify "0".

    To retry a task an infinite number of times, specify "-1"

    • Interval between retry attempts (seconds): Use the counter to select or type the number of seconds that the system waits between attempts to retry a task.

      Valid values are 0-2,000.

  • Increase retry interval for long outages: Select this check box to increase the retry interval for long outages. When this option is enabled, the interval between each retry attempt is doubled, until the Maximum retry interval is reached (and continues retrying according to the specified maximum interval).
    • Maximum retry interval (seconds): Use the counter to select or type the number of seconds to wait between attempts to retry a task when the Increase retry interval for long outages option is enabled. Valid values are 0-2,000.

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