Maintenance Services
System maintenance and cleanup services are scheduled and tracked through a calendar and task enable and prioritization menu. Services such as deletion of temporary files and profile purging are scheduled for one-time immediate action or scheduled on a recurring basis. Users can configure the schedule to run the maintenance bundle at a specific time of day with a maximum of daily frequency and minimum of monthly interval.
Scheduling Maintenance Services
Specify a schedule for Maintenance Services by clicking on the + icon located on the right side of the Schedule bar. Note that any schedules in place will be overwritten by new schedules. Schedule options include One Time Immediate or Recurring.
One Time Maintenance Schedule
Once One Time Maintenance Schedule is selected, tasks can be ordered and enabled or disabled.
Maintenance Service window

Recurring Maintenance Schedule
Choose your Schedule allows an Admin to select date and time of repeating Maintenance Services.
Maintenance Schedule

Custom Schedule requires entry of a Quartz cron expression where a string of six or seven fields describe schedule details separated by a space (e.g., '0 15 10 15 * ?'). Save the expression to initialize a new recurring schedule. To use a Quartz cron expression to create an automated schedule, choose Recurring, then select the radio button next to Custom Schedule. Complete the entry with the Quartz cron expression. Refer to the following link for guidelines on creation of a Quartz cron expression:
Custom scheduling

Maintenance Services Tasks
Maintenance services tasks include:
- Profile Purging: Qlik Catalog generates many field level profiling statistics every time that data is loaded. Only the most recent profile statistics are displayed in the UI though all generated statistics are saved to the metadata database. This clean up service purges all but most recently generated profile statistics
- Data Meter: Calculates and displays the size of data that has been ingested to the Receiving Directory and data transformed in Prepare
- Table Meter: Measures and reports status and compliance for customers with a contractual limit on the number of tables (registered & managed) in Qlik Catalog
- Active Directory Log Purging: AD event logs are purged by this maintenance service
- ACL Log Purging: Access Control Lists Logs are purged by this maintenance services
- Compute Custom Metrics: Refreshes Metric KPI computations
- Custom Metrics Purging: Purges existing Metrics KPI computations
- QVD Import Log Purging: Purges existing QVD Import logs
Maintenance Logs
Select Logs for a list of all maintenance services that have been deployed to date.
Select Logs

Selecting any maintenance record row will display a panel to the right with detailed Administration Execution Information for that task which includes: Start Time, End Time, Record Count, Information Message, and Last Update.
Administration Execution Information