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Installation prerequisites

Minimum requirements

You can install Qlik Alerting on the same server as Qlik Sense, or you can install it on its own server. To follow Qlik's best practices, it is recommended to use dedicated hardware to run Qlik Sense. For Qlik Alerting, ensure you meet the minimum hardware requirements.

Hardware and software requirements

Microsoft Windows Server 2016

Microsoft Windows Server 2019

Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Processors (CPUs) Multi-Core x64 compatible processors
Memory 8 GB RAM minimum
Disk Space 32 GB minimum
Mobile App Android Android 12 or later
Mobile App iOS iOS 16 or later

Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows requirements

Qlik Alerting uses the stable standard APIs from Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. While Qlik Alerting might work on older versions of Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows, as far back as version 3.1 (from 2016), we highly recommend that you keep your Qlik Sense and Qlik Alerting installations up to date to make the most of the new functionality and to be covered by the Qlik support policies.

The minimum recommended version of Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows is August 2021 for basic authentication and May 2023 for SSO authentication.

Install NodeJS

Information noteQlik does not support the NodeJS product that is required to use Qlik Alerting, and any support should be directed to your NodeJS provider. Qlik does support the Qlik Alerting software that is installed as part of the installation package.

NodeJS is the core engine of Qlik Alerting.

  1. Download NodeJS for Windows.

  2. Run the installer (the .msi file you downloaded in the previous step).
  3. Follow the prompts in the installer.

    1. Accept the license agreement.
    2. Click Next several times.
    3. Accept all the default installation settings.

You can make sure you have Node and NPM installed by running the following simple commands to see what version of each is installed.

Test Node

  • Open the Command window, PowerShell, or a similar command line tool, and run:

    node -v

    This should print a version number. You will see something like v10.19.0.

Test NPM

  • Open the Command window, PowerShell, or a similar command line tool, and run:

    npm -v

    This should print NPM’s version number. You will see something like 6.13.4.

Install MongoDB

Information noteQlik does not support the MongoDB product that is required to use Qlik Alerting, and any support should be directed to your MongoDB provider. Qlik does support the Qlik Alerting software that is installed as part of the installation package.

MongoDB is the only database required for Qlik Alerting. Redis is no longer required as both the repository and the persistent cache/queue are now managed by MongoDB.

  1. Download MongoDB for Windows.

    An .msi file will be downloaded on your server.

  2. Double-click the file to run the installer.
  3. Click Next when the MongoDB installation window pops up.
  4. Accept the MongoDB user agreement and click Next.
  5. When the setup asks you to choose the Setup type, choose Complete.
  6. Accept the default Service Configuration settings and click Next.
  7. Click Install to begin the installation.
  8. Click Finish once the MongoDB installation is complete.

Alternative MongoDB options

You are able to use a previous install of MongoDB as your host for the Qlik Alerting repository if required. You will need to manage the firewalls between the two servers to ensure the Qlik Alerting server can access the MongoDB host server and port and secure the connection appropriately. You will also need to manage the authorization appropriately.

To change the config settings for the connection to MongoDB navigate to the main config file C:\Program Files\Qlik Alerting\config\default.json and do the following:

  • Open the default.json file in a text editor.

  • Update the default.json file to include the following mongodb object before the gateway object:
    	"mongodb": {
    		"database": "qlikalerting",
    		"ip": "",
    		"port": 27017,
    		"auth": false,
    		"authDatabase": null,
    		"user": null,
    		"password": null,
    		"connectionString": null
    	"gateway": {
            "ip": "localhost",
            "httpPort": 4551,
            "httpsPort": 4552,
            "https": true
  • Restart the Qlik Alerting Repository and Qlik Alerting Queuer services to pick up the new settings.
  • The settings above are the default settings for a locally installed default instance of MongoDB. To update the settings to your external or cloud instance of MongoDB change the attributes based on the explanation below:
    • "database": "qlikalerting"

      The database in which all of the Qlik Alerting collections will be stored. This should be left as qlikalerting for simplicity.

    • "ip": "localhost"

      The IP or DNS of the MongoDB server to which you want to connect.

    • "port": 27017

      The port to connect to the database, default for Mongo is 27017.

    • "auth": false

      Change to true if you need to authenticate against the Mongo DB instance.

    • "authDatabase": null

      Identify the database required for authentication as this may be different to the qlikalerting database.

    • "user": null

      Enter the user for the connection.

    • "password": null

      Enter the password for the user to connect.

    • "connectionString": null

      Leave null if above is completed. If you are using the connection string, only the database field will be required in addition to the connection string.

Supported setups

  • To connect to a standalone database (single database node) you can use the specific connection details or the connectionString.
  • To connect to MongoDB Atlas (cloud), a replica set or a shared cluster you should use the connectionString.

For information on how to construct your connection string, see your MongoDB admin or read more at

Firewall settings

There are ports that are required to be opened in order to enable communication between Qlik Alerting and Qlik Sense.

Information noteFor mobile messaging to work, Qlik Alerting requires direct internet access.

You will need to open one or both of the following ports on the Qlik Alerting server:

  • 4551 (HTTP)
  • 4552 (HTTPS)

    If you plan to update Qlik Alerting to use nonstandard ports (such as 443 for HTTPS rather than 4552) then please ensure the desired port is open.

You will need to open the following ports on the Qlik Sense central node (and separate proxy server if necessary):

  • 443 (HTTPS access to Qlik Sense Proxy)
  • 4242 (Qlik Sense Repository Service API listen port)
  • 4243 (Qlik REST API listen port)
  • 9200 (Qlik Licensing Service)

Exporting Qlik Sense certificates

In order for Qlik Alerting to connect to Qlik Sense we require certificates to be exported from Qlik Sense for the server on which the Qlik Alerting server is installed.

  1. Go to the Qlik Management Console (QMC) on your Qlik Sense Server.
  2. Click Start > Certificates.
  3. Enter your Machine name. This will be the IP or machine name of the server.
  4. Enter a Certificate password.
  5. Select the Include secret key check box.
  6. Select Platform independent PEM-format for Export file format for certificates.
  7. Click Export Certificates.

You will need to access the Server OS to retrieve these certificates from the relevant folder. The default folder is C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Exported Certificates.

Copy these certificates to a location that can be accessed by the Qlik Alerting Server when going through the initial setup or data source process.

For more information, see Exporting certificates through the QMC.

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