The name of API Definition. This field is editable. Note that a
message comes up if you enter prohibited characters.
Purpose or any useful information regarding the API Definition.
This field is editable. |
Description containing any information that helps you describe
what the API Definition does and how it does it. This field
is editable. |
A read-only field that shows by default the current user
login. |
A read-only field that shows by default the login of the user who
owns the lock on the current Job. This field is empty when
you are creating an API definition and has data only when
you are editing the properties of an existing API. |
A read-only field. You can manually increment the version using
the M and m
buttons. |
A list to select from the status of the Job you are
creating. |
A list to select from the folder in which the API definition will
be created. |