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Salesforce Pardot 

Salesforce Pardot is a marketing automation platform. You can use Salesforce Pardot as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Preparing for authentication

To access your data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

Make sure your Pardot user is synced with a Salesforce user

  • Open Pardot Settings and go to Users.

If your user has a CRM username they are synced. To sync a user go to Salesforce connector settings in Pardot and enable v2 user sync in the User Sync section.

Set up a connected app

You need to be a Salesforce administrator to set up a connected app.

  1. From Salesforce Setup, in Quick Find, open App Manager, and then select App Manager.

  2. Click New Connected App.

  3. Name the connected app, and enter contact details for the app owner.

  4. In the API section, select Enable OAuth Settings.

  5. Enter https://connector.qlik.com/auth/oauth/v3.htm as your Callback URL.

  6. Under Selected OAuth Scopes, add “Access Pardot services” and “Perform requests on your behalf at any time.

  7. Save the connected app.

Creating the connection

For more information, see Подключение к приложениям SaaS.

  1. Click Authenticate when you have filled in the required connection settings.

    You may be asked to log in to the source application.

    A window is displayed with an authentication code.

  2. Copy the code to the clipboard and return to the connection dialog.

  3. Paste the code in Complete authentication with the code provided by the source and click Verify.

    Примечание к подсказкеYou may need to scroll down to see this field.

    When status is Verified,the authentication is verified.

  4. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  5. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

Выберите шлюз Data Movement gateway, если этого требует текущий сценарий использования.

Примечание к информации

Это поле недоступно при использовании подписки Qlik Talend Cloud Starter, так как она не поддерживает Data Movement gateway. Если используется другой уровень подписки или не требуется использовать Data Movement gateway, выберите Нет.

Для получения информации о преимуществах Data Movement gateway и о сценариях, требующих его использования, см. раздел Qlik Data Gateway — Data Movement.

Base URL

Base URL

Example: https://pi.pardot.com

Business Unit ID To find the Business Unit ID in Pardot, go to Marketing Setup. In Quick Find, enter Pardot, and then select Pardot Account Setup. Copy the Business Unit ID for the Pardot instance you want to use. for example, 0Uv3o000000XZBKCA4
Client ID

OAuth Client ID of your application.

Go to your connected app and select View, and copy your consumer key.

Client Secret

OAuth Client secret of your application.

Go to your connected app and select View, reveal, and copy your consumer secret.

Start Date Start date for the reporting period you require in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

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