Guidewire ClaimCenter
Guidewire ClaimCenter manages the process of reporting, verifying, and making payments on claims against policies.
For more information about the API, see Guidewire Cloud API Documentation.
For more information about connecting to SaaS applications, see Connexion à des applications SaaS.
For more information about Lite connectors, see Classifications des connecteurs d'applications SaaS.
Depending on your use case, you might need to install Data Movement gateway to move data from SaaS applications. For more information, see Quand Data Movement gateway est-elle obligatoire ?.
Preparing for authentication
To access your data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.
Creating the connection
For more information, see Connexion à des applications SaaS.
- Fill in the required connection properties.
Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.
Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.
Click Create.
Setting | Description |
Data gateway |
Sélectionnez une Data Movement gateway si cela est nécessaire pour votre cas d'utilisation. Note Informations
Ce champ n'est pas disponible avec l'abonnement Démarreur Qlik Talend Cloud, car il ne supporte pas Data Movement gateway. Si vous avez un autre niveau d'abonnement et si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser Data Movement gateway, sélectionnez Aucune. Pour des informations sur les avantages de Data Movement gateway et les cas d'utilisation qui la nécessitent, consultez Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement. |
JWT Payload | JSON Web Token payload is a set of claims. Each claim is a key/value pair that represents information that the bearer of the token claims to be true. |
Signing Algorithm | The algorithm to sign the JWT. |
Private Key | The private key to sign the JWT. |
Token URL | Token URL. |
Token Request Body | The body to send to the Token URL. Use <signed> as a variable for the signed JWT Payload.
Example: grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=<signed> |
Base URL | The base URL for this source. This is the common part of the endpoints preceding /bc/rest/. |
User Context | User context.
The contents of this field will be base64-encoded and included as GW-User-Context header. If a user context is not needed, leave the field empty. For more information, see JWTs for services with user context. |
Supported datasets
The following datasets are supported.
Service Requests
Batch Processes
Database Consistency Checks